Jeneva Character in Pandora | World Anvil


Jeneva Hilcher

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jeneva spent much of her youth living on tough streets, stealing to survive. When she heard of a new kingdom being created in Haven’s Escape, she took it as a sign of a new chance at an honest life. Her thieving skills came in handy as a member of Honshu’s border patrol. She excelled at creating and setting traps to capture dangerous animals or aberrations which threatened Honshu’s borders. She was also adept at infiltrating various unsavoury groups which inevitably crop up in new kingdoms in order to help pull them down from within. But, just as she was getting used to living a life on the correct side of the law, the hobgoblins destroyed Honshu’s armies and took over Lakeside. She decided that a lifetime of living under tyrants and unsavoury rulers was enough. She fled into the wilderness and has been putting her trapmaking skills to use with the NEL, especially teaching the regular citizens how to create traps and ambushes.

NPC Status: Alive

Chaotic 7 Neutral 4
Current Status
Current Location
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Goblin