Important Research Report in Pandora | World Anvil

Important Research

General Summary

Nightfall, under orders from Shar, made her way into the Temple of Selune in Xiomara. There she infiltrated into the inner parts of the temple, setting off an alarm. Fighting off a pair of werebears with the help of a simulacrum marut, Nightfall proceeded to seek out a specific room. Having taking a wrong turn, Nightfall wandered through the entire temple before finding the room she was looking for. There she ran into her target, who turned out to be a tougher target than she expected. After the destruction of one simulacrum, Nightfall fled back to her tower and sent back another simulacrum to finish the job.

Rewards Granted

[5,200 gp] +1 mithral breastplate
[18,312 gp] +2 dispelling heavy mace

Nightfall (13): 5,850 xp = 1,950 (Bar-BEAR-ians) + 3,900 (Quarry found)
Report Date
22 Sep 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Characters

Dungeon Master

Anathema (5): 2,250xp/1,000gp/5dt