Hunting Lodge - A Big Bad Wolf Report in Pandora | World Anvil

Hunting Lodge - A Big Bad Wolf

General Summary

Baru'agar recruited some allies to assist him in the hunt of a dire wolf. After leaving his horse to wander around outside, he met several companions in the Hunting Lodge of Hunter's Glen and headed out to Falcon's Hollow where the Sage Llathan told of a bounty on a rabid wolf attacking lumberjacks.   The party set out on horseback, but followed the relatively safe roads, only stopping to rest and dispatch a few giant fire beetles. Once in the town, they ate some flapjacks at Jak'a'Napes and found the location of the logging camp. The The Lumber Consortium's Overboss, Pay Day, hired them on the spot for the job, Milon Rhoddam gave them tips on where it was last seen, and they headed off.   Nahshon nearly drowned crossing the river, but Daniel Fisher lived up to his name and caught him quite impressively.   The party all assisted with tracking th beast and they followed its bloody footprints into an ambush: the wolf was in fact a warg infested with worms that were devouring its brain and flesh, driving it mad. A few powerful arrows, a song, and a couple of quick kukri strikes were enough, and the party escaped without any injuries. Returning to the Overboss, they were rewarded with vouchers for purchasing special items for 500 gp or less from the local markets. Nahshon sought out a swan boat feather token to keep from ever suffering at the waves of a river again, Daniel purchased a Wayfinder compass to improve his tracking, Kalvin picked up some better armor, and Baru'agar and Ava both got cracked dusty rose prisms to give them the edge they need in combat.   Baru'agar returned to the Lodge with one of the creature's fangs, and after hearing the tale of its slaying, the tooth was hung from a leather cord in the great hall.

Rewards Granted

[450gp] Swan Boat Token - Nahshon
[500gp] Wayfinder Compass - Daniel
[500gp] Lamellar armor - Kalvin
[500gp] Cracked Dusty Rose Prism - Baru'agar
[500gp] Cracked Dusty Rose Prism - Ava

Ava (4): 360 XP = 60 (glowy bugs) + 120 (water fun!) + 160 (woodland survival) + 160 (death dog)
Daniel (3), Nahshon (3), Baru'agar (2), and Kalvin (2): 380 XP each = 60 + 120 + 180 + 180



Baru'agar receives the Hunter title.

Dungeon Master

Nihilus (16): 7,200xp/16,000gp/5dt
Report Date
01 Aug 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location