Fjordhaven Exploration Edict - E13 Report in Pandora | World Anvil

Fjordhaven Exploration Edict - E13

General Summary

King Bombo along with Alik Enam and Ashertiel set out from Fjordhavento explore the woods at E13, on their way they were stopped by a man named Bib who offered them great deals on what are usually very expensive magic items. After a series of questions it seemed legit, till he disappeared leaving the party with their new "Items". Once they arrived the edge of the forest they spoke with a gnome named Payday who seemed less than trustworthy, but they paid him for the little information he had. They then found themselves under assault from a group of redcaps, these redcaps proved to be no threat to our adventurers one even becoming a dodo bird. Once dealt with they noticed the loggers that worked for Payday began to nail them to the trees, nevertheless they pressed on. While resting for the night a pixie snuck up on them attempting to end their lives, the party who had not been asleep leapt to action, Ashertiel poisoning it sent the creature fleeing into a tree, but it was too late as the poison made its way into the Pixies body it died slowly. The party questioned it to find that the fey of the forest region are angry and began to attack non fey on sight in that region, they left a note asking the fey to send a representative to speak with them to discuss a solution than collapsed the tunnels beneath their camp.

Rewards Granted

8559 gp, 425 sp, 80 cp
[2318] +1 Scythe
[954] 3 masterwork scythes
[50 gp] bronze flagon with warrior images
[100 gp] masterwork lyre
[110 gp] gold statue of a lion
[300 gp] marble idol
[1,300 gp] platinum statuette of a deity
[60 gp] decorated silver plate
[15 gp] bronze statuette of a warrior
[60 gp] decorated silver plate
[65 gp] silver statue of a dragon
[60 gp] carved ivory scroll case
[1,000 gp] emerald
[150 gp] divine scroll of find traps (CL 3)
[1,125 gp] divine scroll of blessing of the salamander (CL 9)
[2310] +1 short sword (small)

Alik (ECL 11) Ashertiel (ECL 11) Bombo (ECL 11) Enam (ECL 11) 1272 xp = 619 XP (Madcap Assault team) + 550 (Pixie Throat Cutter) + 103 (Negotiating with Payday)

Character(s) interacted with

Bib, Merchant Extroardinaire
Report Date
13 Jun 2021
Primary Location

Dungeon Master

  Azim: 1000 XP/2250 Gold/5 DT