Fjordhaven Council - Nightal 1375 Report in Pandora | World Anvil

Fjordhaven Council - Nightal 1375

General Summary

After months of inaction the council reconvened to discuss the state of the kingdom. While tension among the citizens had grown worrying, Bombo and his council were certain the status quo could be achieved again.

The citizens had grown weary of the mix of inaction by the council and the standing armies within their kingdom, but with the return of Bombo the loyalty of Fjordhaven's citizens shone through.

After approving a request from the nearby kingdom of Tetrodora to finish their canal through the Kingdom of Fjordhaven's lands, they turned their attention inwards. The needs of the people were met with a laundry list of improvements and buildings keeping the kingdom feeling safe and secure.

Thankfully the economy of The Kingdom of Fjordhaven continues to thrive, allowing for such vast, sweeping improvements. With a little help from the pockets of the adventurers sitting on the council.

With the swift work of the council to quell the kingdom's unrest the month passed by quietly.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
17 Dec 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Dungeon Master

Belron [14]