Fallen Fortress Report in Pandora | World Anvil

Fallen Fortress

General Summary

Milo, Asriel, Daniel and Aurok Nola-Kavi met together in the Last Stand tavern in Fjordhaven in order to head into the Sandswept Desert to investigate a job board posting there. After spending the day gathering supplies to traverse the desert, they headed north to Stag's Redoubt, where they spent the night. The next morning they headed for the desert. They had a peaceful journey until they arrived at the edge of the desert. Not having spent the time to learn anything about it, they debated which direction to go to find an entrance. After some discussion they decided to head south. A few hours later they found an end to the cliffs and made their way down into the desert proper. That first day, they headed north along the cliffs, suffering in hot desert weather.
The next day, the weather was much cooler and after about half a day they came across a canal. Following this, they came to Raqib. In Raqib, they learned more about the fortress ruins and had a guard tell them roughly where to find it. Milo and Asriel went to the barracks to learn more about the laws of the kingdom while the other two went to the tavern. The party spent the night there then followed a hand drawn map north to the fortress ruin.
On their way to the fortress, the party was attacked by a small pack of wild dogs. Killing the dogs, they finished the trip to the fortress ruins. When they arrived, they killed a giant spider in one of the only surviving ground floor rooms, then learned that the stairs were inaccessable from the ground. Heading outside, they took a while to make their way up the collapsed walls to the second floor. They fought their way through a few floors, fighting various monster and troglodytes. On the fourth floor, they rescued a bard who claimed to have been part of a party who had previously arrived to explore the ruin. Finally, they made their way to the top of the tower, where they confronted a troglodyte and his pet albino crocodile. The fight was shorter than expected, when several party members moved in to fight him, and the entire floor collapsed beneath them. The party members barely avoided falling 60 feet to the ground. The troglodyte leader was not so lucky.
After clearing the tower and looting everything they could find, Milo scared off the bard they had rescued when he casually talked about killing him because he casts magic. The bard fled immediately, but the party did not give chase. After this, they returned to Fjordhaven to count and split their loot.

Rewards Granted

254gp, 7sp
[159gp] masterwrk light steel shield
[50gp] dog collar decorated with lupis lazali, silver tag with Kita engraved on it
[100gp] silver altar services to Mystra
[100gp] banner depicting bird of living flame
[500gp] jade statue of an angelic figure
[300gp] potion of cat's grace
[300gp] potion of lesser restoration
[25gp] scroll of shield
[150gp] scroll of shatter
[405gp] wand of summon monster i (CL 3, 9 charges remaining)
[322gp] masterwork silver dagger
[310gp] masterwork shortsword
[315gp] masterwork scimitar
[2gp/5] cold iron shuriken x15
[10gp] flask of acid x2
[1,000gp] cloak of resistance +1

Milo [4]: 1,138 = 75 (wild dogs) + 75(spider) + 75 (trap) + 75 (armoury) + 150 (shocker) + 75 (burny bones) + 150 (bats!) + 113 (guard room) + 75 (frog) + 75 (torturer) + 200 (tower top)
Asriel [2]: 1,163 = 75 + 75 + 75 + 75 + 150 + 75 + 150 + 75 + 75 + 225
Aurok Nola-Kavi, @dani [1]: 1,163 = 75 + 75 + 75 + 75 + 150 + 75 + 150 + 75 + 75 + 225
Report Date
24 May 2021
Primary Location
Related Characters

Dungeon Master

[16] 7,200xp/16,000gp/5dt