Explore Verdant Expanse - DD48, EE47, FF46 Report in Pandora | World Anvil

Explore Verdant Expanse - DD48, EE47, FF46

General Summary

For the bright eyed and bushy tailed new adventurers of Pandora adventure awaited out in the plains east of Arbour. A hunter warned the party that a pack of wolves had been seen roaming the area. The hunter had recently seen some of the pack acting strangely. Not so much eating a kill, instead ripping it apart and leaving it to the carrion eaters. Now wary of their surroundings, and harried a few times by what they suspected were parts of this strange wolfpack. They eventually happened upon an old ruined temple. Inside a group of wolves sat around a flowing ritual circle, seemingly engaged in some for of ritual! Seeing evil afoot the part chose to act first and ask questions later. Slaying the aggressive wolves of the bunch, and saving a few of the pups to keep as their own.

Rewards Granted

182 gp, 984 sp, 1611 cp
[175 gp] masterwork studded leather armor
[300 gp] masterwork chainmail
2x [50 gp] potion of enlarge person (CL 1)
2x [50 gp] potion of sanctuary (CL 1)
[50 gp] potion of mage armor (CL 1)

Gulop (2): 450 XP = 75 (A Warning) + 150 (Wolves?) + 225 (Wolves!) Titus, Virion, Yohannes (1): 450 XP = 75 + 150 + 225
Report Date
27 Aug 2022
Primary Location
Related Characters

Dungeon Master

Belron [15]