Explore The Verdant Expanse - II53, HH54 and GG53 Report in Pandora | World Anvil

Explore The Verdant Expanse - II53, HH54 and GG53

General Summary

Wanting to clear land for Arbour, the group of people wanting to assist met up at Nightfall's tower. Meeting him there was Prim, Meako, and Khalid (disguised as Rayland) accompanied by Azim.

Before setting out, Meako asked the group with assistance with in identifying his cloak. It speaks to him, however magical means to deceifer it proved unsuccessful so far. If an effort of self preservation, it attempted to convince Meako not to ask for their help but was unsuccessful. Azim cast a spell that caused it to fall to the ground, before Nightfall was able to identify it as a creature known as a Cloaker. Asking for it's motivations, it claimed to want to make Meako a strong and powerful leader. Meako, stating its given him good advice in the past, decided to keep it with him as he traveled.

As they rested for the night, Meako found himself being scried upon by an outside force. They attempted to cover themselves so that in the future, they would no longer be watched as they traveled. Upon arriving in their destination, Nightfall's arcane sight alerted him to people waiting in ambush. As they attacked, they soon realized a group of bounty hunters were waiting to cash in on the open bounties of Khalid, Meako and Prim. As the fight ensured, Khalid was overpowered by a chemist who infused his gun with a bomb's explosive payload. Right about when he would have fallen, Azim sent his armor to save the life of Khalid but unfortunately not the life of his elephant. Azim, tired of the people harming his companions, unleashed a flurry of spells, combined with Meako's new martial prowess with a sword, and some quick spellcasting by Nightfall, saw the end of the ambushers. The chemist, who was the only one left alive, surrendered. Azim offered him a job, and looking at the rest of his companions deceased on the group, he quickly agreed out of self preservation.

As they continued to explore, they came across a field with a group of wandering Javocs, looking to cause havoc. After hearing about their unique aura, the party took to the skies and bombarded the land below them. Between being entangled, dropped into pits, and shot from a distance, the party made short work of the demon horde.

After camping for the night, and continuing on, they party found themselves in front of an insect-like demon queen and a swarm of their offspring. Nightfall, fearing the demon's ability to regenerate and help its swarm, unleashed a volley of spells. With Azim following up with a strike against the swarm, they quickly dispatched the demons that remained, and continued on their travels.

Towards dusk, they approached a campsite, with a large four armed demon, standing near what seemed to be a summoning circle with a tied and beaten wizard. Addressing Nightfall, it demanded to know if it could replicate the summoning circle that brought it there. Nightfall attempted to lie to the demon, who saw through the deception. Since Nightfall was unable to help, it attacked the party. Frozen in ice for a few moments it gave the party enough time to buff themselves before a proper fight. The demon managed to stop Meako, and reduce Nightfall to a gibbering mess before ultimately being struck down by a relentless onslaught from Azim and the final blow being delivered by Prim with a blade in the back.

Speaking with the wizard, they found out that the wizard attempted to summon the demon because he was wanting a wish to bring a loved one back to life, and the demon had forced him to summon others from the abyss. Seeing devils as soneone who would want to negociate for a soul, he was hoping to rely on the whimsical nature of a demon, and thought he would be able to control it. After the conversation, he agreed to join Azim back to Trader's Cusp in hopes he could find a way to obtain what he seeks another way. Finished clearing the land the party headed home, ready to report the land cleared for the Arbour Kingdom.

Rewards Granted

61 pp, 1494 gp, 640 sp, 510 cp
[9,300 gp] +2 creeping chainmail
[153 gp] masterwork light wooden shield
[300 gp] masterwork chainmail
[160 gp] masterwork leather armor
[8,910 gp] morlock hide
[200 gp] masterwork scale mail

[40 gp] unworked carnelian (worth 20 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 12 to repair)
[10 gp] unworked agate (worth 5 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 10 to repair)
[450 gp] black pearl
[10 gp] rhodochrosite
[10 gp] agate
[50 gp] green spinel
[80 gp] unworked jade (worth 40 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 15 to repair)
[100 gp] amber
[45 gp] unworked chrysoprase (worth 22 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 12 to repair)
[9 gp] azurite
[9 gp] unworked azurite (worth 4 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 10 to repair)
[8 gp] pyrite

[750 gp] potion/oil of remove curse (CL 5)
[25 gp] potion/oil of purify food and drink (CL 1)
[50 gp] potion/oil of pass without trace (CL 1)
[50 gp] potion/oil of magic weapon (CL 1)

[250 gp] dungeon ring (prisoner's) [no external clues]

[25 gp] arcane scroll of identify (CL 1)
[13 gp] arcane scroll of ray of frost (CL 1)
[150 gp] arcane scroll of cat's grace (CL 3)
[375 gp] divine scroll of magic circle against evil (CL 5)
[375 gp] divine scroll of magic circle against evil (CL 5)
[25 gp] divine scroll of cause fear (CL 1)
[150 gp] divine scroll of shield other (CL 3)

[8,305 gp] +1 cunning bolas [clue indicates function]
[310 gp] masterwork battleaxe
[2,312 gp] +1 heavy mace [no light or external clues]
[315 gp] masterwork scimitar
[300 gp] masterwork dart

Wondrous Items
[800 gp] belt of tumbling [no external clues]

Prim, Meako, Khalid (10): 5050xp = 1600 (Bounty hunt) + 1350 (havoc with the Javoc) + 500 (queen bee) + 1600 (a wizard's mistake)
Nightfall(11): 4043xp = 1320 + 990 + 413 + 1320
Azim(13): 2340xp = 780 + 585 + 195 + 780
Report Date
20 Jul 2022
Primary Location
Related Characters
Covak (11): 4950xp/4500gp/5DT