Explore the Havens - Hex I13 Report in Pandora | World Anvil

Explore the Havens - Hex I13

General Summary

Hadrian sought citizenship with The Kingdom of Fjordhaven and so as a show of good faith gathered a party together to explore and clear land to be donated to the kingdom for the purpose of expansion.   Setting out at the break of dawn the party traveled for a couple of hours before coming upon a pair of Glyptodons. The bony plates of their shell were momentarily appealing to Hadrian, who considered harvesting them for their armor. But he decided to leave them and the party continued on. A few more hours passed in the plains with no activity and then F’nor heard the distinct sound of a child crying out for help. As Azim moved closer to the direction of the sound a crossbow bolt shot out from a tall bush behind him. Not knowing what was going on but assuming a child was in danger, Azim demanded the bush give up the child. Successfully intimidating the men hiding in said bush, the child was thrown forcibly to the ground and two men darted off in an attempt to escape a skirmish. F’nor’s arrow made quick work of two of them, while a third barely kept himself upright. Appalled at anyone who would kidnap a child, Azim attempted to knock the third bandit unconscious but his nonlethal blow proved too much, and the man was killed.   Getting a good look at the bandits and the child, Milo’s memory was sparked. He had seen these kinds of bandits before. He also knew the child was likely stolen from Stag’s Ballad. So the party spent the rest of the day traveling back to Stag’s Ballad in an attempt to reunite the child with her family. After delivering the child to her mother Azim demanded the local guards pay a reward for her return. The party was paid 100gp but was chastised for not bringing a bandit back alive. The Kingdom of Fjordhaven has been trying to eradicate this particular gang of bandits with no success. The guard captain promised ten times the reward if they would bring in one of these single-gloved bandits for questioning.   Staying the night in town, the party set out once again the next day to continue exploration of their intended territory. They passed by a pair of Terror Birds and gave them a wide berth so as not to spook them into charging.   Nearing the end of the day, the party came upon a rather strange sight. Prancing all over a small rock face were about a dozen or so goats. As the party got closer the goats began to disperse from their play time and jump into the ground, seemingly disappearing into it. Hadrian mistakenly thought this was some omen from his god, however Azim, saw it for what it was - an illusion.   Deciding to follow the goats into the hole in the ground the party discovered a rather wide cavern, that seemed to go on for miles, filled with goats. Azim immediately befriended about a dozen of the goats, taking them with him back to The Kingdom of Fjordhaven. Well, except for the one he sold to Hadrian for meat.   Back in The Kingdom of Fjordhaven, Hadrian requested an audience with the council. Urik Ungart, the Councilor, was the only one available at the time. Hadrian informed Urik Ungart of the recently cleared land ready for Fjordhaven acquisition. Urik Ungart agreed that Hadrian would make a fine Fjordhaven citizen and agreed to sign his name to Hadrian’s citizenship application.

Rewards Granted

14 pp
238 gp + 100gp
544 sp
716 cp
[300 gp] potion cure moderate wounds x 3
[50 gp] tanglefoot bag x 6
[175] +1 studded leather armor x 3
[2,000]+1 ring of protection x 3
[35 gp] light crossbow x 3
[???] right handed glove x 3 [no external clues]
  Experience: F'nor [11]: 415 xp = 413 (gloved bandits) + 0 (GOATS!)
Hadrian [8]: 900 xp = 900 + 0
Azim [6]: 2.150 xp = 1350 + 800
Milo [5]: 2,488 xp = 1688 + 800

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
18 Jun 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Dungeon Master

[12]: 5400xp/6500gp/5dt