Explore Region G7 Report in Pandora | World Anvil

Explore Region G7

General Summary

Covak Morturium Magnus Brasshand Prim Dana Amberclove and Eric Shadowvale all arrived in Pandora and set out to explore new places in the north, during their travels they were beset upon by beasts, undead, and even a unicorn learning much of the perils of the lands within Pandora. Once they arrived i the area they planned to explore they found a well built bridge with some less than friendly individuals on it, they claimed to be with the Northern Emancipation League and had trapped the area, it was a close fight but our party pressed on and bested the bandits. After stripping them of their gear they delivered the bandits to the guards in Drakes Harbor and returned, moving deeper into the hex they discovered a massive lake where a kobold was facing a hill giant, after the giant was slain by the kobold they moved in and fought the orcs. After speaking with the kobold Old Atli They learned several kobolds had been taken captive and agreed to help release them. The party moved in after the hill giants were lead away and found themselves in dire straits facing a large group of orcs, Eric shadowvale fled after 1 of his companions was slain and the other was knocked out, meanwhile Magnus Brasshand turned invisible and moved to save his fallen companion while Dana Amberclove distracted the remaining orcs. Once regrouped they fled fearing they could not finish the remaining orcs. Little did they know Eric Shadowvale would return only to get captured, he was saved when Old Atli returned after dealing with the hill giants. They all met back up on the road returning to Drakes Harbor and Eric Shadowvale was given a golden dragon scale that would allow them to pass the dragons border in the north.

Rewards Granted

0 pp, 40 gp, 130 sp, 0 cp [50 gp] potion/oil of protection from good (CL 1) [50 gp] potion/oil of mage armor (CL 1) [175 gp] masterwork studded leather armor [1800 gp] Full plate [35 gp] Bastard Sword [30 gp] Dwarven Waraxe [50 gp] Master work Backpack [330 gp] masterwork shortbow [7 gp] lapis lazuli [8 gp] unworked lapis lazuli (worth 4 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 10 to repair) [8 gp] unworked agate (worth 4 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 10 to repair) [13 gp] unworked rock crystal quartz (worth 6 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 10 to repair) [100 gp] unworked amber (worth 50 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 15 to repair) [8 gp] irregular freshwater pearl [9 gp] unworked irregular freshwater pearl (worth 4 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 10 to repair) [9 gp] agate [10 gp] irregular freshwater pearl [40 gp] bloodstone [45 gp] moonstone [110 gp] unworked garnet (worth 55 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 15 to repair) [10 gp] malachite [130 gp each] 4 orc horn bows [75 gp each] 4 falcions   Experiance
Covak Morturium 520 xp (120xp Lionesses first/last hunt, 60xp Ghoulish ambush, 120xp Bandits? 80xp Orks! 140xp Lots of Orks.)
Dana Amberclove 520 xp (120, 60, 120, 80, 140.)
Eric Shadowvale 520 xp (120, 60, 120, 80, 140.)
Magnus Brasshand 520 xp (120, 60, 120, 80, 140.)
Prim 520 xp (120, 60, 120, 80, 140.)

Dungeon Master

Azim 2700xp 1300gp 5dt
Report Date
27 Jun 2021