Explore - The Verdant Expanse - LL52 Report in Pandora | World Anvil

Explore - The Verdant Expanse - LL52

General Summary

Following the request for exploration from Kazumar, Prim, Khalid (disguised as Rayland) and Meako set forth to explore the unclaimed lands, and auction the hex to either the Hobgoblin Nation, or Arbour Kingdom.

During their journey to their destination, the party came across a dire tiger, who hid and attacked, attempting to start an ambush for its next meal. They team quickly dispatched it, but left it alive after a short discussion on how to handle the defeated animal.

Finally entering the area, they came across a Hobgoblin lieutenant who claimed the area was already being cleared in the name of the Hobgoblin Nation. He warned the party to leave, and he was not to permit anyone other than Hobgoblin officials to enter the lands. Prim, ignoring his request to vacate, continued forward. The hobgoblin attacked, and after a short skirmish, slew him and continued forward. The found tracks, suggesting there was another scout there who left once the fight had broken out. The players decided to follow the tracks forward.

Having followed the steps for a few hours, they came across a camp, with slain worgs scattered across the area, slain with arrows. With a good eye, Meako was able to spot archers stationed up in the nearby trees. Speaking with the archers, they told them to leave once again, stating this land is already in the process of being claimed for the Hobgoblin Nation. After their reports, should the party still be in good standings with their nation, they would then be permitted to enter and explore the area. Feigning compliance, Khalid launched a simulacrum of a tiger to attack the archers, which caused them to attack. Though versatile for archers, they were quickly dispatched by the party. Afterwards, Meako and Khalid examined the tracks, noticing once more that one of the hobgoblins left the area. Khalid packed up the corpses of the worgs, and then the party followed on.

Coming up on a more open plains, they saw a few individuals off in the distance. A hobgoblin with a rifle, and two body guards. When Prim approached, she was immediately shot, starting combat. Though the body guards were good at keeping their superior alive, after a deadly wasp swarm, a couple of good spells from Kazumar, and the barrage of arrows from Meako they were able to take them down. Exploring the area, they didnt see any more threats, and headed home to report the area cleared.

Rewards Granted

72 pp, 472 gp, 1270 sp, 4,007 cp

[400 gp] masterwork banded mail
[350 gp] masterwork breastplate
[1,180 gp] +1 tower shield
[203 gp] masterwork light wooden quickdraw shield
[170 gp] masterwork heavy steel shield
[1,400 gp] +1 banded mail

[60 gp] onyx
[90 gp] unworked chrysoberyl (worth 45 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 15 to repair)
[45 gp] citrine
[100 gp] amethyst

[50 gp] potion/oil of remove sickness (CL 1)
[50 gp] potion/oil of vanish (CL 1)
[50 gp] potion/oil of bless weapon (CL 1)
[50 gp] potion/oil of enlarge person (CL 1)

[25 gp] arcane scroll of break (CL 1)
[25 gp] arcane scroll of cause fear (CL 1)
[150 gp] divine scroll of eagle's splendor (CL 3)
[700 gp] arcane scroll of wall of fire (CL 7)
[25 gp] arcane scroll of touch of the sea (CL 1)
[1,125 gp] divine scroll of tree stride (CL 9)

[4,500 gp] wand of web (CL 3)
[750 gp] wand of burning hands (CL 1)

[2630gp] +1 orc hornbow (+2 str rating)

Meako (10): 2251xp = 375 (tiger ambush) + 750 (Captain Hobgoblin Nation) + 563 (trees are good for hiding) + 563 (Wish I got to use this boomstick more)
Prim (9): 2813xp = 450 +1013 + 675 + 675
Khalid (8): 3600xp = 600 + 1200 + 900 + 900
Kazumar (7): 4463xp = 788 + 1575 + 1050 + 1050

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
03 Jun 2022

Dungeon Master

Covak (10): 4500xp/3500gp/5dt