Exploration: Explore Verdant Expanse - NN50 Report in Pandora | World Anvil

Exploration: Explore Verdant Expanse - NN50

General Summary

our party set off from xiomare after spending a hour finding which garden Prim was in, to Pygmy Village, stayed there for the rest of day and night. setting off next day to travel further along the raod, they camped just off it, but was attacked by a small group of shadows, that severly damaged multiple members of the party, they retreated into their extradiamensonal tent as the shadows wouldn't be able to hide in the walls there, Prim had fallen just outside, cametosed, but somehow resisted turning into a shadow herself. Bombo arrived late, but managed to help the party dispatch the greater shadow.
the party returned to Pygmy Village to have thier stregnth damage tended to, before going back out, on their travel to NN50 they came across Rymnear and had a friendly encounter with him, he spent a bit teaching Prim how to swim(by throwing her out in to the water) and then they were on thier way again, they found a small ruin with a pair of zombie dire tigers hiding in them and a haunted construct, Bombo missed a couple times due to the strong wind and nothing else, but managed to smush one of them, Covak gave up the strength of his arms to the haunt to relsease/destory it, were after the party managed to make quick work of the last dire tiger.
later that same day, a drocha swarm approached waiting for someone to enter its range, to then show images of thier own death. Bombo charged it and resisted its fear effect, it then disappeared into the ground and ran away, to target Prim who failed the initial save but succede in not dying, Dana resisted the fear effect aswell, and then Bombo smacked the last of it into ectoplasma soup.
the next day they arrived at large clearing hearing snorring, it was discovered to be 5 hydra heads sticking out of the ground, the party came up with a plan, and tried to carry it out. it was simple Bombo would grab a head and rip it out of the ground, they also destoryed several heads with fire assuming that to stop its head from regenrating, sadly this specfic hydra was immune to fire. after a couple tries and the hydra biting off its own head Bombo ripped it out of the earth and the party went to town on the now 11 headed hydra, after its body was exposed it was quickly dealt with.
Bombo took a head as a trophy and bid everyone farewell, a wizard appeared shortly after to ask for his 'property' back, after a bit of haggling he agreed to pay the party 6000 gp for thier trouble in stopping it and curing Covak's arm, he threw a diamond at prims feet, went up cast a couple spells, lifted the hydra body and teleported away.

Rewards Granted

804 pp(includes bp from kingdom), 372 gp, 610 sp, 900 cp
[350 gp] masterwork breastplate
[6000 gp] diamond
[50 gp] unworked citrine (worth 25 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 12 to repair)
[45 gp] unworked smoky quartz (worth 22 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 12 to repair)
[130 gp] coral
[550 gp] topaz
[500 gp] cracked admantine coated skull
[50 gp] potion/oil of cure light wounds (CL 1)
[750 gp] potion/oil of good hope (CL 5)
[2,500 gp] ring of swimming [no external clues]
[700 gp] arcane scroll of shout (CL 7)
[375 gp] arcane scroll of draconic reservoir (CL 5)
[375 gp] arcane scroll of versatile weapon (CL 5)
[150 gp] divine scroll of summon nature's ally 2 (CL 3)
[375 gp] wand of acid splash (CL 1)
[750 gp] wand of pass without trace (CL 1)
[308 gp] masterwork morningstar
Wondrous Items
[1,000 gp] boots of the cat [clue indicates function]
[1,000 gp] Meridian belt [clue indicates function]

Bombo (12): 1120xp: 100(shadow road)+420(Dire tiger zombies with hide of steel)+120(drocha swarm)+480(Terrahydra)
Dana,Prim, Covak (8): 3780xp: 900+1120+320+1440
Alastari(7): 4751xp: 1181+1470+420+1680

Dungeon Master

Nightfall (8): 3600 xp/2125 gp/ 5dt
Report Date
26 Feb 2022
Primary Location
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