Exploration: Explore The Verdant Expanse - II51, HH52, FF52 Report in Pandora | World Anvil

Exploration: Explore The Verdant Expanse - II51, HH52, FF52

General Summary

our party gathered in the courtyard of the Ashen Keep to set out exploring lands for the kingdom of arbour, once they finnaly was all there, they took thier mount or phantom chariot, out to the hex to explore, already after just a bit exploreing they ran into Ka-bloom a serverly starved cauldron bloom, intelligent but unable to talk it had come to the conclusion the only way to survive would be to eat the next thing it finds weather its sentient or not be damned, this next thing being our party, but they just wouldn't stay in its stomach, well Tiff didn't even want to enter it in the first place, after a firce long battle with creative use of items and abilties, Raffyr raised his blade, but instead of slaying the plant, he let go of his sword, showed it a smile and tried talking to it, this moved the big plant, and after finding a way to communicate, they agreed to feed it a cow or same size cattle a day if it would exsist peacefully around arbour, they then let it teleport to arbour where Arel would have some cattle for the starved plant ready.
they didn't get to contuine long before a planar gate sprung up in front of them a severly wounded person came running out to ask them for help, followed by fiendish/corrupted looking mote archon swarm, who demanded him back, this was all a illusion trough, but one everyone but Aldrik fell for, well until Raffyr started doing his detection of alignment, after a quick talk getting hang of the situiaon he tricked the wounded person, he now knew to be escaped prisoner of the seven heavens into getting put shalacks of complience on, afterward they helped the mote archon swarm back to its plane, as the gate had already closed, this brought the first day to a close.
they setup camp and while they noticed some werid shimmers in the nightsky flying impossiably fast over them, nothing of note really happend
the next day they came across living spell of vampiric touch mixed with hold monster, knowing these only appear in the aftermath of magical war or wild magic place, Ashe could deduce it most not orinate from the area, he also knew of few facts all living spell shared. this had one unique ability not seen among other of its kind, it would split whenever it was hit with a magic weapon, but still had the inherent resistance to non-magical weapons, togethere with being able to steal life force to use as a shield the fight lasted quite long, Aldrik even got paralyzed for a short time, and Azim had to use his non-magical bow.
they late came across a abandoned armory, a natural occuring construct of weapons left behind in the aftermath of war, yet another indication of a war having happend somewhere, and this thing somehow having ended up here, it had appeared among crates made by what would seem like a metero spell, Tiff told her friends to stay away due to its powerful cone barrage it could unleash, but none of them listened, they all ran into attacking it, almost defeating before Aldrik commited the fatal(for raffyr) mistake of using its fire breath on it, which set off the necklace of fireballs it had absorbed, killing Raffyr and wounding Ashe and Azim in the aftermath, they were quick to bring him to Tiff and arel(trough the gate ring) and managed to save him with breath of life.
this night the saw more of the same, but also 3 moths landed on the sleeping people, not thinking more about it they let it be more focused on the shimmering lights in the sky flying over them, unluckly/luckly for them the 3 moths was alp's in disguise, they drain their victims of blood and show them nightmares as a side effect by sitting on them, but they take great care in never killing a victim if just so, so they just woke up with thier blood severly drained, and had to use restoration to get it back.
on the finnal day they came across a fluxwraith a soul-shattered in unending tourment across time, it was slowly approaching, Tiff quickly tried to cast a icy prison, but it simply disappaered by casting time stop and hiding, Tiff told her party to get off the ground which they did and flew to the middle this was a mistake, the fluxwraith charged at them hitting 3 of them with magical potential, and succesfully sending two of them forward in time, and soon after Aldrik too, leaving Azim, Tiff and Arel trough the gate ring to deal with the fluxwraith Tiff unleashed a heal spell on it severly weakning the monster it respond with stopping her time permanently trough temporal stasis, Arel then did another heal spell on it just in time for Raffyr to plop back into time, fall down and turn around poking it with his sword and killing it.

Rewards Granted

23 pp, 143 gp, 1,250 sp, 5,000 cp
[44,215gp] Hamatula hide
[1,157 gp] +1 heavy wooden shield
[750 gp] masterwork half-plate
[50 gp] potion/oil of feather step (CL 1)
[25 gp] potion/oil of resistance (CL 1)
[25 gp] potion/oil of virtue (CL 1)
[50 gp] potion/oil of enlarge person (CL 1)
[50 gp] potion/oil of bless weapon (CL 1)
[50 gp] potion/oil of cure light wounds (CL 1)
[50 gp] potion/oil of protection from good (CL 1)
[50 gp] potion/oil of cure light wounds (CL 1)
[1,125 gp] arcane scroll of magic jar (CL 9)
[700 gp] divine scroll of imbue with spell ability (CL 7)
[375 gp] arcane scroll of water breathing (CL 5)
[150 gp] arcane scroll of mirror image (CL 3)
[150 gp] divine scroll of spiritual weapon (CL 3)
[150 gp] divine scroll of sound burst (CL 3)
[150 gp] arcane scroll of cat's grace (CL 3)
[150 gp] arcane scroll of rope trick (CL 3)
[31,400gp] staff of quick fortune (stave containing 1 charge: quickend heroic fortune)
[310 gp] masterwork battleaxe
[2,310 gp] +1 battleaxe [sheds light]
[312 gp] masterwork glaive-guisarme
Wondrous Items
[8,100 gp] deck of illusions [clue indicates function]
[3,600 gp] dead man's headband [no external clues]
[10,000gp] Bane baldric [no external clues]
[21,00gp] Caster's tattoo (normal)
[16,000gp] bag of tricks(tan) [no external clues]

Raffyr(17): 3,826xp: 425(Abandoned explosives and stuff)+638(Ka-bloom)+638(escaped prisoner)+850(disemboddied tanslucent teeth)+1275(the time-shattered soul)
Tiff(15): 6,938xp: 750+1125+1125+1688+2250
Azim, Ashe (13): 12,188xp: 1463+1950+1950+2925+3900

Dungeon Master

Nightfall (12): 5400 xp/5800 gp/ 5dt
Report Date
18 Sep 2022
Primary Location
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