Exploration Verdant Expanse GG55 & HH56 Report in Pandora | World Anvil

Exploration Verdant Expanse GG55 & HH56

General Summary

Mako called on his friends to help Draconia expand its borders and makes some money in the process. Virion, Yohannes Morrah, and Daniel answered Mako's call and they set out for the riverlands to the south of Draconia. The land around the rivers, they hoped, would prove to be easy clearings to make some money. They're hopes were dashed though almost immediately.

Strolling through what looks like old farmland, they happend upon an abandoned farmhouse. The area was strewn about by half eaten travellers and other animals. Investigating the building though quickly got the party beset by a nesting pair of Dire Weasels. The confident party quickly lost their hubris when they nearly lost theyre lives to the beasts protecting their young. The party regrouped, healed, developed a plan, and returned to the farmhouse to clear it out. They're second attempt was more succesful though, and they managed to slay the father of the nest of baby weasels, and the mother took as many of her defenseless children she could and fled. Virion managed to capture one of the suckling weasels and intends to raise it as his own.

While on theyre way to the next area, the party happend upon a defector from the approaching Giant army. Avech, a gentle hill giant pressed into service against his will, escaped the camp and fled, trying to find a place to be left in peace. The Party advised him to head towards Xiomara with a white flag, and they would take him in and find a place for him to live his life in peace.

The party licked theyre substantial wounds and moved on to the next area to clear. On the banks of the river they happened upon a shipwreck on the river bank. The party was quickly ambushed by a group of hungry canibals, looking for a snack. After a fierce battle, the party bested the hungry savages. They then noticed on the other side of the river a camp of the barbarians. Weary, wouned, and discourged, they did not know if they could handle this threat. Fortunately for them, Dueomakina, an elder golden dragon of myth and legend, appeared overhead and torched the camp, sending the party a draconic thumbs up, and disappeared again.

The party sucessfully cleared the area for colonization by the Kingdom of Draconia.

Rewards Granted

47 pp, 486 gp, 1068 sp, 2695 gp

[12 gp] unworked rhodochrosite (worth 6 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 10 to repair)
[400 gp] black pearl
[13 gp] irregular freshwater pearl
[12 gp] obsidian
[9 gp] hematite
[8 gp] lapis lazuli
[7 gp] turquoise

Potions [25 gp] potion/oil of resistance (CL 1)
[300 gp] potion/oil of protection from arrows (CL 3)
[50 gp] potion/oil of protection from good (CL 1)
[25 gp] potion/oil of light (CL 1)

Scrolls [25 gp] divine scroll of calm animals (CL 1)
[13 gp] arcane scroll of detect magic (CL 1)
[13 gp] divine scroll of create water (CL 1)
[150 gp] divine scroll of animal messenger (CL 3)
[700 gp] divine scroll of freedom of movement (CL 7)

[305 gp] masterwork bolas
[310 gp] masterwork shortsword

[50 gp] copper scepter with gold inlay
[60 gp] elaborate silver wind chimes
[50 gp] copper scepter with gold inlay
[75 gp] painted silk fan with electrum slats

  Mako, Virion, Yohannes Morrah (ECL 3): 450 xp (creating widows and orphans) + 450 xp (A gentle giant) + 675 xp (Hungry bois) = 1575 xp
Daniel (ECL 1): 450 xp + 450 xp + 675 xp = 1575 xp

Missions/Quests Completed

Cleared out hexes GG55 & HH56
Report Date
21 Nov 2022
Primary Location
Related Characters

Dungeon Master

Plays-With-Squirrels (8): 3,150xp/1,700gp/5dt