Exploration game - EEE65 - Kingdom of Fjordhaven Report in Pandora | World Anvil

Exploration game - EEE65 - Kingdom of Fjordhaven

General Summary

King Bombo called on aid from fellow adventurers to assist in clearing land of nearby threats. As the team began to assemble at the King's Respite, they noticed the unexpected sight of Grud appearing with his associate Zabur. Tensions were high initially, until Zabur informed the king that Grud was simply bored, and was wanting to kill things. Hesssitant to agree to his help at first, he relented and accepted his help. With the assistance of Nightfall and Alik as well, they continued to the Stoney Coast, to expand the boarders.

After a day of travel, they walked up the coastline, and Grud and Nightfall noticed a rock in the ocean was not what it seemed. Taking the time to study it, and not being noticed, they revealed to the party that the creature was a Shipwrecker Crab. Gaining the drop on the creature, they quickly took it out without it being able to react. Afterwards, the party enjoyed a nice meal with some crab meat!

Continuing on, they noticed the smell of sulfur in the air. As they climbed up the mountain side, they saw a pair of Coloxus, two demon creatures well dressed with the heads of flies, trapped within a magic circle. The Coloxuses pleaded with the party to set them free, as they had been there a long time and wished to return home. Bombo was uncertain on trusting him, but Zabur reminded him that they made deals with the Sovereignty. After talking, the Coloxuses agreed that in exchange for freedom, they would appear before Nihilus and discuss repayment. Zabur returned them to their plane, and afterwards, destroyed the magic circle.

The party rested, and the next day continued their hike up the mountain. As they they approached a small outcropping, they noticed some stone ruins, as the air ran quiet. Cautiously, Grud, Zabur, and Bombo noticed a large humanoid, who told them to hault. Identified as a Marut, a golden armored inevitiable with flesh of black stone. It stated it was tasked with protecting the area from tresspassers, and they needed to leave. Bombo tried to reason with it, but it stated that its to stand guard and cannot relinquish the area. Bombo told it to step aside or die, so after the threat of attack, it unleashed a volley of lightning at the party. The party engaged, and the creature was easily overwhelmed by the might of the party.

After looting the ruins, the party headed back to the Fjordhaven, with the area cleared. Once the party had been dropped out, Grud and Zabur returned, collecting the body of the Marut, before returning to West Haven.

Rewards Granted

0 pp, 1350 gp, 225 sp, 90 cp

[1,350 gp] +1 splint mail
[165 gp] masterwork hide armor
[170 gp] masterwork heavy steel shield
[10,650 gp] +3 full plate
[6,157 gp] +1 rallying heavy wooden shield

[9 gp] unworked hematite (worth 4 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 10 to repair)
[8 gp] unworked turquoise (worth 4 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 10 to repair)
[10 gp] pyrite
[12 gp] unworked rhodochrosite (worth 6 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 10 to repair)
[90 gp] saltwater pearl
[50 gp] red spinel
[35 gp] onyx
[80 gp] tourmaline
[550 gp] unworked black pearl (worth 275 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 20 to repair)
[8 gp] unworked hematite (worth 4 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 10 to repair)
[11 gp] tigereye
[13 gp] unworked tigereye (worth 6 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 10 to repair)

[50 gp] potion/oil of magic weapon (CL 1)
[50 gp] potion/oil of sanctuary (CL 1)
[750 gp] potion/oil of remove curse (CL 5)

[700 gp] divine scroll of neutralize poison (CL 7)

[4,500 gp] wand of bull's strength (CL 3)

[8,335 gp] +1 merciful light crossbow [sheds light]
[2,350 gp] +1 heavy crossbow [no light or external clues]

[10,000 gp] bane baldric

Grud (16): 1800 xp = 400 (crab legs) + 600 (Deals with demons) + 800 (Dented armor man)
Bombo (13): 4225 xp = 975 + 1300 + 1950
Nightfall(12): 5850 xp = 1350 + 1800 + 2700
Alik (11): 7425 xp = 1650 + 2475 + 3300
Report Date
16 Sep 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Characters

Dungeon Master

Covak : 4950xp/4500gp/5dt