Bounty hunting: Jacob Jamason Report in Pandora | World Anvil

Bounty hunting: Jacob Jamason

General Summary

the party went gather and traveled to the wizard who had put up the bounties tower, on the outside it looked quite small, no more then 10 foot in diameter and about 30 foot high, and seemed to be missing support. but as the wizard opened the door to let the party in they saw it was quite a bit bigger on the inside, and found that thier handy haversacks or bags of holding did not work within the tower.
after talking with the wizard, and looking around the tower for what clues, the wizard might have saved from the old tower and doing thier best to interpet them, they set off to find jacob, this lead them to Traders Cusp, which with some more gathering of infomation, gave them some valuable knowledge and hinted that he might be hiding in the swamp near new saltmash.
the party wen there and after quite a big of searching they found his camp, but he had noticed them approaching and so had hide away, waiting for them to trigger the traps he had put up sadly for him Bombo and Alik saw right trough the trap, so he resorted to threating them but to no avail, finnaly he let the fire rain down upon them, but Alik quickly but up a barrier to save everyone from what would been severer burns, Adonis and Alik then kept ready for him to try and cast spells, and counter them, shutting down this fireball manic quite effectively, they managed to capture him alive and bring him back.
where he then after a short talk commited temporay sucide to activate his deadman's contingency for a massive fireball but due to his phonix blood, this fireball brought him back to life, and he tried to escape in the smoke but was quickly put to the ground, and now out of tricks considerably more willing to talk, Alik offered them both shelter from the real pursues that had been going after jacob to get thier hand on the old wizards research journal.

Rewards Granted

800 pp, 0 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp
[3000gp] Lesser Metamagic Rod of Enlarge

Bombo(13): 813xp: 325xp(The search)+488xp(the fight)
Alik, Prim, Adonis (11): 1375xp: 550xp+825xp
Report Date
16 Mar 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Characters

Dungeon Master

Nightfall (13): 5850xp/7500gp/ 5dt