Bounty hunting: Engik 'Dragonbreaker' Apuna-Molake Report in Pandora | World Anvil

Bounty hunting: Engik 'Dragonbreaker' Apuna-Molake

General Summary

Alik wanting to get out of his shop for a change gathered up a group to go hunt the bounty on engik 'dragonbreaker' Apuna-Molake. Prim did a bit of graffiting of Fjordhaven, and when they had all gathered they immerdiatly scattered to gather infomation, Meako went to the inn to listen for rumors, Prim disguised heself as a Dwarf and went around town asking about him and Alik used his mask of a thousand tomes to see what he could learn about him. and Plays-With-Squirrels asked a nearby squirrel if they had seen a big man with a hammer, to which it replied in the mountain (talking about bombo)
most of the group returned to Alik when they were done except Meako which they had to go get at the inn, he told them a pair of dwarfs had talked about him, so Prim still as a Dwarf went up to them and asked them about it, one them told he had seen him enter and come back out a dragons lair, and give them a description and a little bit of infomation on him. the party then went to trader's cusp to talk with the one that had put out the bounty they didn't really get any new infomation from him, Alik then cast scrying and managed to pick up on him and noticed he was traveling trough a mountain and managed to see a slight red glow close to him, assuming it to be magma they went to towards the volcano hex on foot, on the first day nothing happend on the second they ran into a group of mountain harpies, the party managed to deal with them rather quickly but not before Meako had jumped of the wax dragon, luckly Alik had a feather fall to save him with.
next they found engik standing ready for them, asking if they where here to challenge him for the bounty and lose thier life, suggesting they were not the first. Prim tried to talk to him and convince him thier were not while the rest hurdled togethere to talk, however immerdiatly upon Alik saying they should hornably challenge him, Plays-With-Squirrels cast summon natures ally and the fight broke out, Meako found out they had been talking to a illusion, Alik then glitterdusted the real one. Prim flew close to stab him, which was almost the end of her, if hadn't been for the fact he was blind, Alik quickly put up a wall of force to seperate the intimidating golatih and Prim, Plays-With-Squirrels then took the chance to call lightning on him something that proved rather effective aginst him. he used his Amulet of Quaking Strikes to attack Meako, Alik and Alik's waxwork dragon in the air, Alik was ready for this and used a emergancy force sphere to save him and Meako, however the dragon got taken to 0 luckly it could only be killed with fire but engik had no way of knowing this. Alik then prepared to cast diamension door, after baiting out the next strike of the amulet. after that a some more arrows and lightnig Alik managed to catch him in a icy prison and win the fight.
once done most of the items was destoryed beyond repair, except the hairloom a set Lenses of Situational Sight but with 3 extra lenses that does not seem to have a fuction except reading a certain kind of layed script, Alik studied and found that by using the 3 extra lenses he could read the inscription on the item, however diffrent curses was weaved in on certain combinations of lenses and the a short message in others, but with a bit of magic these curses was easily resisted.
they returned with the head to the one that had put a bounty out, but kept the hairloom for now thinking its connected to something bigger.

Rewards Granted

Coins: 550 pp, 173 gp, 1,826 sp, 1,818 cp
wondrous item
[5000 gp] Lenses of Situational Sight (but with 3 extra lenses that does not seem to have a fuction except reading a certain kind of layed script)
[250 gp] masterwork chain shirt
[80 gp] crystal skull
[25 gp] silver holy symbol
[15 gp] bronze statuette of a warrior
[100 gp] gold holy symbol
[80 gp] carved jade idol
[75 gp] set of six silver dice
[7 gp] rock crystal quartz
[9 gp] unworked turquoise (worth 4 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 10 to repair)
[9 gp] rock crystal quartz
[7 gp] unworked irregular freshwater pearl (worth 3 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 10 to repair)
[7 gp] lapis lazuli
[7 gp] turquoise
[900 gp] unworked emerald (worth 450 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 25 to repair)
[40 gp] unworked chrysoprase (worth 20 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 12 to repair)
[60 gp] smoky quartz
[70 gp] jade
[10 gp] rock crystal quartz
[9 gp] unworked irregular freshwater pearl (worth 4 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 10 to repair)
[300 gp] potion/oil of fox's cunning (CL 3)
[300 gp] potion/oil of delay poison (CL 3)
[50 gp] potion/oil of pass without trace (CL 1)
[150 gp] arcane scroll of darkness (CL 3)
[25 gp] arcane scroll of burning hands (CL 1)
[375 gp] arcane scroll of magic circle against evil (CL 5)
[25 gp] divine scroll of cure light wounds (CL 1)
[750 gp] wand of floating disk (CL 1)
[750 gp] wand of shield (CL 1)

Alik (11): 994: 275(harpies)+550(engik 'Dragonbreaker)+206(gathering infomation)+275(trapped item)
Prim, Meako (7): 3588: 700+1575+525+788
Plays-With-Squirrels (5): 5913: 1000+2250+1125+750+788

Character(s) interacted with

Dungeon Master

Nightfall (7): 3150 xp/1675 gp/ 5dt
Report Date
06 Feb 2022
Primary Location
Related Characters