Bahamut's Trial Report in Pandora | World Anvil

Bahamut's Trial

General Summary

A call was put out by the Cleric's of the Platinum Order for any faithful follower of Bahamut who desired to be tested and gain more of Bahamut's favor. Covak, confident in his faith, decided to heed this call. Gathering his friends, he journeyed into the mountains near Silver City, seeking out the Cleric's of the Platinum Order.   Arriving, Covak was asked if he had lived his life as an example of Bahamut's ideals? Answering with a "yes," Covak was permitted to move forward and have his faith tested. His friends were permitted to accompany him but only as a support. Covak was instructed that he must complete the whole trial of his own accord, he must return to the mountaintop by sunset, and he must bring honor to Bahamut in all that he does and says.   Agreeing, Covak and the party readied themselves to be transported to the site of the cave where the trial would be held.   Entering the first room, they were met with three doors and a pedastal with four different gems inlaid in it. The first test would be a puzzle. Prim, an experienced jewelry crafter, was able to identify the gems as nephrite, pearl, emerald, and onyx. After some discussion and trial and error it was discovered that the gems worked as buttons. However, the first pattern they attempted was a failure and resulted in a Thunderbird emerging from one of the doors. Immediately Prim and Meako were blown back in the gust of wind from the storm the bird created, leaving it to Bombo and Bullgup to aid Covak in defeating the bird. Once combat had finished, Covak had a realization. He proceeded to depress the gems in the order of onyx, pearl, emerald and nephrite, spelling the word "open." Upon which, the northern door opened. With the test of wisdom passed, they continued into the next room.   Inside the second room, the party found a wide open chasm between them and the door on the other side of the room. A dragon statue the only landmark in the room. After several minutes of investigative efforts, it was discovered that lifting the dragon statue raised a bridge, allowing those without flight to cross the chasm. Holding up the weight on his own shoulders, Covak allowed his friends to cross. Having passed the test of strength, Covak joined his friends and they all continued onward.   Moving into the third room found each party member enveloped in a deific form of darkness. No manner of magic or special ability was able to overcome it. As the party moved through the room, their anxiety increased as a sense of overwhelming fear settled on them. Each experienced a momentary vision of their greatest fear. Prim, Meako, and Bombo were unable to keep their wits about them, and in a panic, attempted to flee. If it wasn't for their foresight to tether themselves together and Bullgup's wildshape ability, they may not have made it through the test of courage.   Entering into the next room immediately washed away their fears and they came upon a well stocked treasure hoard. The dwarven blood in Bombo longed to add to his inventory but he willed himself to refrain. Prim, accustomed to pocketing loose gold and gems, had to choose between her own compulsion and her loyalty to Covak. Covak was not having anyone steal from a treasure hoard presumabley belonging to Bahamut. And so, without touching a single thing, the party moved into the next room where they were met by a talking dragon statue that asked, "Have you removed anything from the treasture hoard?" A truthful answer of "no" was met with "You may proceed." The test of honesty had been overcome and they each found their pockets a little fuller as a pouch of gold appeared for each of them.   The final room was unexpected. Covak's father, Lord Regan, was waiting to take his revenge on his son. It seems Lord Regan was adamant that Covak's noble actions back home had brought the house of Pwyll to ruin. He was bloodthirty and empowered by Tiamat herself, who had sent Lord Regan with a back up of five juvenile dragons, one in each of her colors. Without hesitation, Lord Regan ordered the dragons to attack.   The party had to carefully strategize but with carefully timed attacks and good aim, they were able to fell all dragons but one, which Lord Regan was using as a mount. In an attempt at diplomacy Covak tried to talk his father down but Lord Regan was blind to reason. In a blast of lightning from Bullgup, his body was sent falling to the ground, dead.   At the end of combat, a teleportation circle appeared, transporting the party back outside to the entrance of the cave. The body of Lord Regan in tow, the party headed back toward the mountaintop to speak once again with the Cleric's of the Platinum Order.   Along the way, an old, decrepit man, flocked by seven yellow canaries, called out to them for help. He told them he was running short of food and asked if they could spare a day's worth. Covak and Prim gladly gave them what they could offer and the old man began to question Covak. He asked where he had come from and upon hearing of the trial asked Covak what he had learned. He spoke of Bahamut's ideals and asked Covak if he considered himself to be wise, strong, courageous, truthful and merciful? Seemingly not quite satisfied with Covak's answer about mercy, the old man challenged Covak to a dual. "One last duel before my life ends." Covak obligued but activated his weapon's merciful trait. The dual commenced and the old man showed confidence but weakness. When his sword made contact with Covak's adamantine armor, it broke in two, leaving the old man without a useable weapon. Not having a spare, Covak suggested they call the dual then, stating he did not want to proceed in unfair conditions. At this, the old man stood straighter and smiled. "You have pleased me, Covak," the old man said. "You are worthy to be called one of my own. Tomorrow, when you wake, you will realize the full glory of my blessing." And in a flurry of canary wings, the avatar of Bahamut, faded away. The test of honor had been passed.   Reaching the mountaintop before the sunset, the Cleric's of the Platinum Order, congratulated Covak on his success. He was encouraged to seek out one of the clerics should he ever require assistance. A representative could be found in any major city across Pandora.   Covak and the rest of the party preceeded to travel back to Silver City, Covak bragging the whole way about Bahamut's blessings. The next morning, Covak woke to find that he was no longer a dragonborn, but a half-dragon.

Rewards Granted

1,125gp in gold coins
[4,500 gp] wand of wood shape (CL 3)
[18,315 gp] +1 anchoring scimitar [no light or external clues]
[700 gp] arcane scroll of resilient sphere (CL 7)
[11,250 gp] wand of resinous skin (CL 5)
[10,000 gp] gloves of shaping [no external clues]
[16,000 gp] ring of revelation (greater) [clue indicates function]
[11,250 gp] wand of call lightning (CL 5)
[150 gp] arcane scroll of invisibility (CL 3)
[375 gp] divine scroll of invisibility purge (CL 5)
[300 gp] potion/oil of remove paralysis (CL 3)
[700 gp] divine scroll of imbue with spell ability (CL 7)
Covak, Bombo (ECL 13): 6,350 XP = 390 (Test of Wisdom) + 500 (Test of Strength) + 1560 (Test of Courage) + 780 (Test of Honesty) + 2340 (Test of Mercy) + 780 (Test of Honor)
Prim, Bullgup, Meako (ECL 11): 10,400 XP = 660 + 500 + 2640 + 1320 + 3950 + 1320
Report Date
04 Feb 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Characters

Dungeon Master

Evette (ECL 2): 900xp/400gp/5dt