Bags of Bandits Report in Pandora | World Anvil

Bags of Bandits

General Summary

Khalid Tralin, being new to Pandora, sought to add gold to his pouch and took up a job posted in Warhaven tracking bandits. Heading to the Facepunch Tavern in order to meet up with his client, he was startled when an undine was suddenly deposited next to him, coming through the portal from Baldur's Gate. Adonis Tupuvia immediately starting asking questions about his wereabouts. After some small talk they entered the tavern and ran into Prim and Celeb who were also there for the job.   Finding their employer, an older merchant gentleman, he told his story of how he and his family were accosted by bandits while traveling from West Haven to Warhaven. The bandits stole half of the goods that he was carrying and put him out 500gp. He informed the party that if they retrieved his goods, or an equivalent amount of gold, that they could keep half. Deciding this was easy money, the party set out for the road to West Haven.   Along the way they came upon an undead Elk that was wandering in the road. After it was dead (again?), a pair of teenagers revealed themselves and were disappointed that their prank had been so quickly dealt with.   Continuing along, Prim recognized a familiar bird call used by a certain group of bandits that she had previously fought. Sure enough, there were bandits hiding along the road. The party killed the first two with ease and then took precautions to sneak up on the rest. It took some time, Adonis Tupuvia took heavy damage from an arrow, but the party eventually prevailed. Remembering that Fjordhaven had posted a reward for these types of bandits caught within their borders, the party decided to haul four of the bandits back to Stags Ballad and turn them in.

Rewards Granted

[2,000 gp] for turning over four Brotherhood of Balance bandits to Fjordhaven
[50 gp] potion/oil of sanctuary (CL 1)
[50 gp] potion/oil of jump (CL 1)
[50 gp] potion/oil of magic fang (CL 1)
[25 gp] divine scroll of detect undead (CL 1)
[200 gp] composite longbow (+1) x 7
[5 gp] buckler x 7
Adonis Tupuvia(ECL 1), Khalid Tralin(ECL 1), Celeb)(ECL 1): 338 XP = 75 (undead elk) + 75 (bandits) + 188 (more bandits!)
Prim(ECL 3): 338 XP = 75 + 75 + 188

Character(s) interacted with

Adonis Tupuvia
Khalid Tralin
Report Date
29 Aug 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Dungeon Master

Runa (13): 5850xp/7500gp/5dt