Arbour Kingdom Council - Kythorn 1376 Report in Pandora | World Anvil

Arbour Kingdom Council - Kythorn 1376

General Summary

The Arbour Kingdom Council met together to work through the affairs of the kingdom. The kingdom remains stable, with ample gold in the treasury to cover its costs.

Castien was sworn in to fulfill the role of Councilor while Ariah stepped in to fill the role of Grand Diplomat. The kingdom expanded its territory and gave some to their vassal as well. Infrastructure was improved, increasing the food production in the kingdom and bettering its roads. Settlements throughout the kingdom received needed repairs or expansions.
A proposal to approve a portal to the Feywild was rejected by a significant portion of the council. Changes to the laws now allow for dual citizenship under specific requirements as well as specifying teleportation points for entry into settlements.
The Arbour Council also accepted an embassy from Draconia.
No money was taken from the treasury. No money was donated and no items were sold. The kingdom successfully collected taxes.

The kingdom received a letter from a group of giants to The North, demanding that they vacate the lands north of the river. The council sent back a letter promising to do so, but asking for time to move the people safely.
Report Date
26 Jun 2022
Primary Location
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Dungeon Master

Bullgup (10): 4,500xp/3,500gp/5dt