Application to the Royal Explorers Society: Evette Deadbrow Report in Pandora | World Anvil

Application to the Royal Explorers Society: Evette Deadbrow

General Summary

Having completed her exploration of not only the relatively obscure Pandora, but indeed its undiscovered country, Evette Deadbrow Deadbrow posted for assistance in delivering her report to the Royal Explorers Society. A small mishap thanks to Crik Crak damaged the report nearly beyond report (the birdfolk tried to overcome his awkardness by cleaning himself with create water, several gallons of it), but even this was repaired with magic.

Investigation into the Society found that it had not yet made itself known in Pandora, despite Pandora's colonization over the last 100 years. However, Rhal had heard of some would-be explorers in a tavern in Fjordhaven, so the party decided to stop there first.

Inside the Last Stand, they found some naive young upstarts, drunk on their boasts and beer. The braggards were interupted by an gnome who didn't bother to offer his name, but was clearly annoyed by them and had his bulky companion kick them out of the bar. Before the local watch showed up, the gnome went to leave, but Evette was able to question him about his mention of the Royal Explorers Society. His scoffing reply at least sent her in the right direction, and Ava had heard of a wizard who could plane shift them to their main hub in Waterdeep. However, the aforementioned wizard was absent, so they sought an alternative: Alakazam.

the entrance to Alakazam's mansion was through a well-disguised portal to an unknown location. Inside, they found a variety of animated objects performing various tasks throughout the foyer, sweeping up their own dirt, and cleaning each other. A table walked up, took their request, and a snorting piggy bank took their fee. Expensive as it was, they paid it willingly, and the table revealed itself to be the shifty planeshifting shifter they had been looking for.

Arriving at the last known location of the Society, the Yawning Portal, each of the party members split up to look for their target. Anathema took advantage of the barkeep's assumption of her employment to take the Society its drinks, Ava stayed behind to protect Evette, Rhal took a corner table to observe, Warful found a bit of trouble, and Crik-Crak learned about troglodytes.

They found the Royal Explorers Society in a decrepit state: the Minutes hadn't been published in over a year, they had no royal sponsor, no famous explorers to draw crowds, and not enough money to even publish independently. Disgusted by their despondence and insulted by their implication that her report wouldn't be good enough without finding a famous co-author, namely Pall Gar, Evette turned to leave, but was convinced to give them a chance by their overworked but kindly secretary, Redrick. Inspired by Redrick and galvanized by Evette's speech, they committed to bring her on as a fellow so that she might start a chapter of the Society in Pandora. Society Fellow Iskandr paid her for the report out of the Society's Drinking Fund, Chairwoman Agatha rewarded her a signed copy of A Brief Dwarven History of Pandora for her exquisite map, and Fellow Byron took a keen interest in the magical plant specimen she presented.

Satisfied that the bare essentials of her task was complete, Evette and her party returned to Pandora, to their home. There is still much work to be done, but now the Society has the strong backs they need to see it through.

Though as-of-yet unpublished, the next Minutes of the Royal Explorers Society shall prominently feature articles from her report, including "Pandora: A Material Plane," "Glacier's Stretch and the Kaldr Norori People," "Previously Unknown Flora: Surtur's Star," and "Fauna of Glacier's Stretch," including maps:

Rewards Granted

[1,000gp] A Brief Dwarven History of the Dwarves, Vol 2 - Signed by Author Pall Gar (grants a +2 circumstance bonus to knowledge (history) checks related to Pandoran dwarves, grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Charisma-based skill checks with Pall Gar) This is a separate gift from the loot granted to Evette for her beautiful map!
[5,300gp] platinum drink vouchers - they can be exchanged on a 1:1 rate for drinks, food, and even room/board at the Yawning Portal, or sold for half price.

Ava (6), Rhal (6): 800 XP each = 150 (Royally Explore Society for the Royal Explorers Society) + 200 (The Full Pall Gar Experience) + 450 (We live in a Society)
Anathema (4), Evette (4), Warful (4): 1,000 XP each = 200 + 267 + 533
Crik Crak (2): 1,125 XP= 225 + 300 + 600


Evette receives the Fellow of the Royal Explorers Society title and the Royal Explorer title.
Report Date
24 Aug 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Dungeon Master

Nihilus (16): 7,200xp/16,000gp/5dt