A Call To Arms Report in Pandora | World Anvil

A Call To Arms

General Summary

Covak Received a letter from his mentor Imrith letting him know that he has arrived in Arbour Kingdom and is waiting in the Flmae of the Forest Inn, Covak along with Prim Dana and Magnus arrived to meet someone who looked similar to Covak. One by one they introduced themselves making Imrith smile seeing that Covak has found some companions, he didn't stay long and only explained that Covak would be receiving a call similar to the one he felt when he was first summoned to become a dragonborn. The party set out following the call Covak could feel, leading the far to the north east away from the storm but towards the frozen tundra of the north. Once passing through a frozen canyon leading into the tundra they heard an old man calling for help, they moved to investigate and saw an ice troll chasing him through the canyon. They sprung iinto action exchanging blows and using acid to stop the regeneration that trolls are famous for, it fell and the old man name Bhao explained his village was taken by orcs and giants. Covak found an odd coin on the giant and they moved forward towards the village, once they arrived they saw that many were kept in a ramshackle cage and orcs filled the village. Prim and Dana decided to move in queitly to attempt to slay 2 sleeping orcs, the first was a success but nearby orcs spotted the rest of the party sounding alarms. The orc in the igloo Dana and Prim were in woke up and despite several lethal blows stood up angry and slashed Prim deeply before he fell. Covak was not as lucky as two orcs in a rage rushed him delivering lethal blows that would have killed a lesser combatant bringing him into an unconscious state, Magnus who had just finished casting enlarge on him embiggens his fallen ally and after reassesing the situation promply goes invisible. the orcs having lost their target drag Covak off to join the other prisoners where he is stripped of his gear and brought back to consciouness. the party fell back to make a plan, Aloisius a hunter from the village appears before them critisizing their plan and suggests they go back under the cover of night to save Covak. Meanwhile Covak begins convincing an orc that the nicer giant should be in charge who in turn convinces Maw the hill giant to consider it. Maw visits Covak who suggests that one of his companions may be able to help find the berries he needs to make his favorite drink and in a momentary loss of judgement the hill giant agrees to go find his companions with him. Dana Prim and Magnus had just returned to the village while Maw and Covak appeared, most of the camp was distracted by a fire while the party convinced the giant to rebel against the abusive cave giant Hawg. In order to fight Hawg Maw said he first needs his favorite drink, so the party set out to find the berries to make it and after a few hours found some. Before returning to the village they set out to find whoever had set up a small fleet of ships in the north, and found a small army of lizardfolk. They were brought aboard the lead ship to meet queen Vestia a ruler of an unknown land who informed them of other continents within the plane, she told Covak that if he swore his fealty to her she would send with them 300 lizardfolk to deal with any problems the village is facing. But he refused stating that he had already sworn his loyalty to Arbour Kingdom, hearing this she was disappointed stating that they had not sent help. With his decision made and not swaying Queen Vestia sent them back, in the morning they found a longboat waiting along with enough lizardfolk to sail it waiting to bring the party to the village. The party arriving just in time to find the whole clan of orcs gathered to see Maw challenge Hawg, Magnus enlarging and blessing Maw the two giants faced off with Maw emerging victorious. He returned Covak his belongings along with some of their spoils from raiding and gathered the Grim Lightning orcs and at the party's advice lead them to the The Chaotic Claelands. The coin Covak found began to burn as each side seemd to for with great heat the holy symbols of Bahamut and Tiamat, one to each side, with that the call Covak felt ended and the party returned to Arbour Kingdom.   Experiance
Covak 1375 xp (250xp Ice Troll, 375xp Gim Lightning Orcs, 750XP Maw's Respect.)
Magnus 1375 xp (250xp Ice Troll, 375xp Gim Lightning Orcs, 750XP Maw's
Dana 1375 xp (250xp Ice Troll, 375xp Gim Lightning Orcs, 750XP Maw's
Prim 1375 xp (250xp Ice Troll, 375xp Gim Lightning Orcs, 750XP Maw's
[60 gp] decorated silver plate
[50 gp] bronze flagon with warrior images
[25 gp] silver holy symbol
[25 gp] silver holy symbol
[200 gp] gold candelabra with holy symbol
[80 gp] silver brazier with religious markings
[100 gp] gold holy symbol
[60 gp] ivory drinking horn with copper ends
[60 gp] ivory drinking horn with copper ends
[60 gp] ivory drinking horn with copper ends
[100 gp] masterwork lyre
[40 gp] porcelain doll with silk clothing
[25 gp] silver holy symbol
[80 gp] silver flagon with religious markings
[75 gp] silver candelabra with holy symbol
[750 gp] masterwork half-plate
[200 gp] masterwork scale mail
[1,153 gp] +1 light wooden shield
[300 gp] masterwork chainmail
[90 gp] gold censer with silver filigree
[100 gp] gold holy symbol to Bahamut
[100 gp] gold holy symbol to Tiamat
[125 gp] silver comb with gold handle
[40 gp] ivory bowl with animal carvings
[302 gp] masterwork dagger
4500xp 3500gp 5DT
Report Date
25 Sep 2021