The Arbour Kingdom Council - Uktar 1376 Report in Pandora | World Anvil

The Arbour Kingdom Council - Uktar 1376

General Summary

Upkeep Phase

After a long hard month, the kingdom is experiencing a brief amount of rest as the winter months roll in.  
Edict Phase

Two forts were built, to hold defensive positions throughout the borders of the kingdom. An arena was built in the city of Fiotora as a place to display strength within the orc clan. A granery and houses were also built within the city.  
Income Phase

Taxes were successfully collected, and no additional funds were sent put into the coffers, or taken out.  
Event Phase

No special events happened, however Meako found out that there are reports of their farms being raided by goblin clans after the collapse of Goblinhold.
Report Date
27 Nov 2022

Dungeon Master

Covak (12): 5400xp/5800gp/5dt