The Unmaking Rage Myth in Palimpsest | World Anvil

The Unmaking Rage (Apocalypse Myth)

"A pantheon of strength and civilisation reduced to half-gone ruins mired in slag, the Iron Sultan alone mustering the raw strength to endure, powered by rage. Her-or-his realm reduced from a Sultanate of Bastions to a lone Throneforge carried by an Iron Behemoth down an Adamantine Road that melts and crumbles almost as fast as her-or-his creations can forge it. She-or-he flips violently between striving to rebuild and destructively venting the pain." Bastet of Palimpsest sang the song of the Unmaking Rage in a Legend Lore spell compiling the existing myths of the Apocalypse.
Date of First Recording
Givesday, Tailormoon, 1313
Date of Setting
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Music of Palimpsest