The Birth of Brambleson Myth in Palimpsest | World Anvil

The Birth of Brambleson


A Bramblebush is lonely and wishes on a star for a friend to play with. The wish is granted when a tiny bunny is born in the Bramblebush's fruit. Recognising himself to be the child of the Bramblebush and the star above, the bunny names himself Brambleson and makes his first divine promise: to play and make merry in the Briarpatch for all of his days. The story ends with the following message:
"From that day to this, Bramble kept his promise and played in the Briarpatch as other stars faded and died. We should live by this lesson and play, even when all seems dark."

In Literature

The Birth of Brambleson is recorded in Passages through the Briarpatch, the holy text of the Bramble Church.
Telling / Prose
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