The Ancient Drought Myth in Palimpsest | World Anvil

The Ancient Drought (Apocalypse Myth)

"There was a time, when the world was not desert, but valleys, and cities, and forests, and seas. The gods were great vast spirits of these domains. Nothing sank, and nothing was overwritten. Those times are gone; the valleys levelled, the cities ruined, the forests ash, the seas dried to salt. The gods have faded, all at once or one by one, until the oldest and vastest and last floats alone, whirling and twirling in the rags of her mind and her memories, Her world lost to us and our world unparseable to Her." Bastet of Palimpsest sang the song of the Ancient Drought in a Legend Lore spell compiling the existing myths of the Apocalypse.
Date of First Recording
Givesday, Tailormoon, 1313
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Music of Palimpsest