Starving Fang Item in Palimpsest | World Anvil

Starving Fang (God Shard)

The Starving Fang is a piece of the soul of Worgoth, the Wolf at the Door. Worgoth relinquished the Starving Fang to Connie Furr after she and Hugo Dargent fought a projected avatar of It in Its own mouth.
Starving Fang
Overwhelming Necromancy and Transmutation
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Holder
Related ethnicities
Extremely Illegal (if recognised).
Punishment: Death.

Starving Fang +2 Dagger (Light Blade, Thrown) [Evil-Aligned]

Small 1d3 plus 1 STR damage ; Medium 1d4 plus 1 STR damage
(Feast of Ashes)
Piercing, Slashing
19-20/x2 (Cup of Dust DC 14)
Weapon Category
Light Melee
Ranged (10 ft. thrown)
Weapon Type

Special +2 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks to hide a dagger on your body.
On a successful hit, saps 1 STR damage and casts Feast of Ashes. A critical hit upgrades this to Cup of Dust.
Stabbing self instantaneously summons a Ghost Wolf that lasts for 10 hours, although it disappears 10 rounds after it attacks.

CR 10

Ghost Wolf of the Starving Fang

Neutral Evil (Large)


AC: AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+5 Dex, +4 natural, -1 size)
HP: 17
Aura of Fear (30ft.): All creatures with fewer than 6 HD within 30 feet make a make a Will save (DC 20) or become shaken for 1d4 rounds (this is a mind-affecting fear effect). A creature that makes its Will save is unaffected by the steed’s fear aura for 24 hours.


Speed: 100 ft. (Walk on Water)
Unaffected by difficult terrain.
Melee: Bite +10 (1d8+6) Critical 20x2. [Evil, Ghost touch].
Space: 10 ft Reach: 10 ft


Carrying Capacity: can bear rider’s weight and up to 100 lbs extra.

The Ghost Wolf of the Starving Fang may be used in combat. Once per round, the rider may direct the ghost wolf to attack in battle as a free action; unlike an animal mount, this does not require a Ride check or any training. Once the ghost wolf attacks, it lasts for only 10 rounds thereafter.