Enki Nas'harah Character in Palimpsest | World Anvil

Enki Nas'harah

"I remember that boy. He was always writing with his left hand... Well, I noticed it at the time you see. Because he didn’t use his right one."Connie overhears Professor Philibus Trilobyte describe Enki Nas'harah in an Ears of the City spell.
Enki Nas'harah is a half-drow (half-human) necromancer. A graduate from Elderton University, where he aroused suspicions by being weirdly eager to push the envelope into researching necromantic magic, Enki now resides in a gothic tower in the Rich Commoner District.   He comes from a very wealthy family, which along with his necromantic affinities is why he was flagged as a potential buyer for the Book of Eternal Necromancy by Connie Furr's Ears of the City spell.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Woundsday, Soldiermoon, 1313
Attended 1313 Blademas tournament with his Ettercaps (Hlo-Hlo Chittercap and Hlo-Hlo Katterpat), and was visibly disappointed that the did not win either of their contests.
Goldday, Soldiermoon. 1313
Purchased The Book of Eternal Necromancy from Hugo Dargent (in disguise as Altair) and Lindie Asklepa (disguised as Altair's friend, Miriam) for 100,000 gp.


Enki was a real creepy student and has only gotten creepier. He aroused various suspicions at university by being weirdly interested in necromantic magic. There are rumours that, after he graduated with as much of a base understanding of the topic as he could from his official studies, he immediately move onto secret research of a less permissible kind. Although there is no real evidence to back up this claim, the rumours advise staying away from "that fucking guy's house."
Known Languages