Savage Humans Species in Palanvaid | World Anvil
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Savage Humans

Work in Progress - STUB

The Savage Humans, or Savages, are a barely cohesive group of humans who are the remnants of many of the former great Human Nations. Most of these humans are a bit taller and more muscular than their cousins, and are often seen as less intelligent as well, reverting to a more primitive society since their defeat and exile after the Great War. They are light-skinned and have a tradition of heavily styling or completely cutting off all their facial hair. (They are physically most reminiscent of European Earthlings).   Since the Great War they have been pushed into the cold Southern Reaches and often raid and pillage the rest of the common races. They are not trustworthy and often seen as a plague upon the land. These barbaric savages have separated into tribes, originally based on their origin kingdoms, but have since blended together. The largest and strongest tribe of these savages is called the Redbrand Continent, but there are other tribes that could band together to easily outnumber them.


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-From The People of Palanvaid, 2nd Edition
Written by Ambassador Sangarias, Revised by Helix Halffoot

Anthro (Mammalian)
120 years
Parent Race
The Savage Human Chiefdoms

Cover image: The Cosmic Fire by James Paulat


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