Highborn Humans Species in Palanvaid | World Anvil
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Highborn Humans

Work in Progress - STUB

The Highborn Humans are those who remain of the last Human Nation: The Kingdom of Ravencrest. These humans are tall but slim, and they have browned skin, and usually are a lot more hairy than other humans, boasting magnificent beards that rival the Dwarves. They are also well adjusted to resist various natural diseases and have are natural diplomats and scientists. (They are physically most reminiscent of Middle-Eastern Earthlings).   These humans are a bit stuck up and very territorial, but they are cautious with how they approach the other races ever since The Great War. They managed to escape annihilation by siding with the other races against their cousins, but they are still treated poorly by all races: either as evil racist humans, or as traitors to their kind. typically darker skin with a lot of facial hair. They've been known for trying to survive as best they can, occasionally leaving their kingdom to try and right the wrongs of their ancestors.


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-From The People of Palanvaid, 2nd Edition
Written by Ambassador Sangarias, Revised by Helix Halffoot

Anthro (Mammalian)
120 years
Parent Race
The Kingdom of Ravencrest
Orbrike, and Ravenspeech

Cover image: The Cosmic Fire by James Paulat


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