Session VIII: The Long Night Report Report in Palanthira | World Anvil

Session VIII: The Long Night Report

General Summary


Adventurers decided to enter arena in Ralnest in hope to get some extra supplements. They were drafted to fight against another adventuring group. When the fight started it didn't really look that well as Delru Kandus was literally beating to death by their large orcish barbarian but at the end when the last opponent faced Gleipnyr they decided to leave it alone and call it a draw. Dwarf called to a priestess to ressurect his friend and the group use her service as well in bringing Delru back to life. This was his first spark towards Bahamut. Later they fought with Ratfolks, destroying them in few seconds. This fights earned them magical dagger and supplements.    

Audience with Rattles

Because of their victory in arena, they were offered audience with the 7 leading heads of Ratfolk society. Refo, Polfa, Gufa, Ufa, Qae, Bvak and Pafur. They offered them quite nicely paid jobs and as their final reward - way to the surface.
Ruins - as their first quest, they were supposed to bring old books from the Drow temple, few days of walking through dark tunnel. They slaughtered the Drows, stole the books and left. 
Rebels - as their second quest, they were asked to get rid of rebelling ratfolks against the city, throwing fireball at their headquaters. 
Way Up - as their last quest, they were assigned to supervised the mining process of way up - long tunnels with 3 dozens of ratfolks mining 3 days in a row.
Meanwhile, they were also asked to teach one of them the secrets of magical rituals. As they've finished their assignments, they were considered rare residents and were offered a special place at their ritual the next day.   

V - The Symbol from the Book

During the last day of their stay, they saw everywhere weird symbol - V, with line in the middle. All non-ratfolks had this as a "card" on themself. All Ratfolks had this symbol at their homes. They saw this symbol before - in the book they were supposed to bring from the Drows. Things went even more downhill the second they found out that they were told different time then the other residents. However, they all waited to the next morning alongside with new temporally party member - the Cleric of Bahamut Freya. The same cleric who brough Delru back to life.  

Demonic Intervention

When they stepped to the square, they were greeted by the leaders of Rattles and went down towards the tunnels. There happened a large ritual - enourmous demonic head showed above all of them, living demon was in their presence as ratfolks started to transform from his powers. Their begin to look more demonic, their teeth grow longer and sharper, they tales grow spikes, weird green liquid started to drip from their mounth and nose. They went mad. All of non-ratfolks except them were sacrified as part of the summoning - their bodies transformed towards something between ogre and rat. They were granted life, because of their help towards goal of Vezkun - new name of their society. Vezkun ran from the Ralnest towards Voxtrenul. They've decided to attack and ransack the city. Adventurers were given free will as they could do whatever they wanted to - they were considered "friends".  

Destruction of Voxtrenul 

When they left the holes, they saw the city in flames, dead citizens and rampaging Vezkun. They travelled towards the keep - probably the last and only place of resistance. They've made it behind the lines alongside with a woman who noticed that Vezkun does not attack them. They've ran towards the keep and with large problems they've managed to get through. When they passed the news and information towards their old friend - Markus, he was terrified. He passed this information to upper layers - towards the "King", rather Warden. There wasn't much to do. City mages created barrier that should help with defense as teleporting the entire keep and all refugees was above their powers - not in this little time they had as thousands of Vezkuns were destroying the city watch. Adventurers were offered a ship to safety - for their deeds toward the city, which they gladly take. With last farewell to their old friend, probably never to see him again, they set sail.   

Shelter in Gvaed 

After several weeks they finaly reached Gvaed. On their way they've made quick stop in Swamp of Gilgar, old place from Florence's adventures. They've met his Emperor and provided him with new tools - Hand crossbow and material to made armor from. They've also made some stops in villages, where they've noticed a large jump in prices for travelling foods - because of large amount of refugees from Voxtrenul.

Rewards Granted

Gleipnyr Sorento 

  • 1000xp for discovery of Gvaed 

Alarion Naeron 

  • 1000xp for discovery of Gvaed

Delru Kandus 

  • 1000xp for discovery of Gvaed


  • 1000xp for discovery of Gvaed
Hope of Aldur
Alarion Naeron
LG Dragonborn ()
Cleric 5
11 / 50 HP
Delru Kandus
Neutral Good Elvenkind (Custom)
Rogue 1
10 / 10 HP
Gleipnyr Sorento Quindae
True Neutral Fire Genasi (Numerian Noble)
Fighter 3
Wizard 15
400 / 66 HP
Player Journals
Demons grasp and dark night by Alarion Naeron
Report Date
15 Mar 2022