Pregenitors Species in Oxdara | World Anvil
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Basic Information


The Pregenitors are humanoid like creatures, and have various subspieces that dictate their physical characteristics. The thing they all share however, the Pregenitors ancestors appear to be dinosaurs - very similar to how Dragonborn and Kobolds are decended from Dragons. Not all dinosaurs on Oxdara have an equivilant Pregenitor - noteably as the Pregenitor's original world most likely didn't have the same dinosaur's as Oxdara.   No Pregenitor seemingly owes thier heritage to large sauropod or carnivor creatures; some claim that on their homeworld Pregenitors descended from the Tyrannosaurus Rex existed, but none can be found on Oxdara, though some claim to have this Rex blood in thier veins, often those in power or strong warriors.  

Civilization and Culture


Fleeing their World

The Pregenitors came to Oxdara seeking refuge from their own plane, much like the Tal, however, unlike the Tal, the reason for their abandoment of their own plane is unknown. Even the modern day Pregenitors are unaware of why they fled. Also unlike the Tal the Pregenitors arrived more recently, only in the last 500 years or so, arriving not long after the Draconic Resurgence, and they arrived on Udosix rather than Rularia and Venka.
Scientific Name


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