Steal the Chicken Tradition / Ritual in Overlord | World Anvil
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Steal the Chicken

A classic parlor game in Denyithragorathia, Steal the Chicken, became popular during the reign of Beizun the Caustic. It has maintained its popularity over the last century since Beizun's reign, and has even spread to other countries.   The basic concept of the game is in the name, but the "chicken" is representative of any number of different things. In upper class circles, it's played sedately and considered an amiable way to pass a smaller party. For those not bound by diplomatic formalities, it's a raucous fun time.    

The Rules of the Game

  The simplest iteration of the game is as follows.  
  • The players are divided into two groups: the Thieves and the Heroes.
  • The Thieves go and "steal" some object, designated as the Jewel. Most people select some kind of sweet treat, but the truly edgy will select some kind of valuable book or piece of jewelry. The host of the game usually provides a selection of appropriate items.
  • The Heroes do not get to know what the item is, as guessing what was stolen is part of the game.
  • The Thieves have also taken a second item that is designated as the Chicken. It is meant to be similar to the Jewel.
  • Both items are marked with an identical ribbon of some kind, to distinguish it from some other random possession of the host or players.
  • The Thieves then conceal the Jewel and the Chicken, either within the game room or on their persons.
  • The Heroes then attempt to steal the Jewel back from the Thieves, and return it to the host.
  • The goal is to steal the Jewel, and only the Jewel, as they are meant to be "heroes", which means they only take things that are deemed worthy.
  • The Heroes win if they get the Jewel to the host.
  • If they steal the Chicken instead, when the Thieves discover this they are meant to squawk loudly, and the Thieves have lost. 
  • But if the theft of the Chicken is unnoticed, they still have time to steal the Jewel.
  • Actually stealing someone's belongings over the course of the game is considered a party foul, as is using it to cover up espionage activity.


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