Blading Bondsfolk Military Formation in Overlord | World Anvil
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Blading Bondsfolk

The Blading Bondsfolk are a rather odd amalgam of some of the stranger people who live within the Forest of Pain. Membership varies, and most of them would not exactly be friends outside of their militia work.   However, they bond in the common purpose of keeping the denizens of the forest safe from those on the outside.   For the most part, even next door neighbor Berniton knows to leave them alone. The Forest of Pain is a rather difficult place, dangerous and downright foul in some junctures, but it is still home to a number of very specific communities, and as such they would much rather not be killed by every random passing hero.   The Bondsfolk are a loose coalition of some of the more open-minded of those communities, seeing the need to work together. They don't attack everyone who enters the forest, or even most of those who come in looking for a fight. Their aims are focused on dealing with those who would exterminate all of them, regardless of actual alignment and actions.


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