Eye-Spy Clinic Building / Landmark in Out of the Shadows | World Anvil

Eye-Spy Clinic

The Eye-Spy Clinic is an optician store in the Riverplex, located on the second floor of the Mill Gate Mall. At least, that's its front. In reality, it is the base of a male streetdoc who uses the handle Bandage. His wife runs the optician store, while he performs surgeries in the back. He also takes care of their three little kids. When he's busy saving a life, accompanying runners may be forced to babysit.   Bandage used to work for multiple hospitals, offering his services everywhere while ignoring politics. Because of their children, he was unwilling to commit to a single hospital, since that would give him less say in his working hours. Eventually, he was pressured out and took to illegal surgery instead.   He still is well-connected with the Riverplex hospitals, so his clinic often sells augmentations that 'fell off a truck'. Cyberware and Bioware he can easily get his hands on, genetech and nanotech can take a while to arrange. Runners praise him for his technique and bedside manner.   Unlike other Streetdocs, Bandage rarely helps with emergencies. Only those he's friends with, are allowed to go to him for emergency treatment. Even then, they must enter through backdoors and supply corridors. Furthermore, he won't accept any clients that are currently wanted.
Skill Level
Local Legend
Available Services
Surgery, long-term recovery
Available grades
Standard, Alphaware, Bioware
Available augmentations
All forms of ware

Cover image: Dark Woods by Free-Photos


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