Circle Shops Building / Landmark in Out of the Shadows | World Anvil

Circle Shops

A poor English translation of 'Kringloopwinkel', in other words Thrift Store. These places obtain cheap or free clothes and household goods, then sell them. In the past, most of these chains would be for charity. However, nowadays they're all about the money.   Circle shops will often gather thrown away furniture and devices, patch them up, then sell them to the next sucker. Quality is always a gamble, though the prices tend to match that. Some shops also allow for bartering, where you bring in your own used goods and negotiate getting a few things in return. These trade-ins still aren't a great deal, but it's better than nothing, especially when on the run.   With profit levels low, these shops often employ squatters as employees. Additionally, many are fronts for organized crime, and some covertly sell illicit stuff. As a result, they tend to be treated with suspicion by law enforcements.
Security Rating
Professional Rating 1
Legal, sometimes fronts

Cover image: Dark Woods by Free-Photos


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