Session 10: A New Age Report Report in Out of Space - A Forgotten Realms Story | World Anvil

Session 10: A New Age Report

General Summary

  • The party finished their fight with the barbarians on the road, looted them and found a partial crew manifest, with the name "The Future Prospects", and references to Smuggler's Stone and Accardi on it
  • The party arrived in Dawngleam, and spent their first night together just drinking and singing, waking up sleeping in a rowboat a few hundred metres offshore
  • In the morning, a commotion at the docks woke the party up, as a ship pulled into the docks and was being prevented from disembarking by the dock guards and the quartermaster
  • The party tried various methods of calming the crowd and planned a few ideas for getting onto the ship. Convincing and distracting the guards failed, but Bonnie Braveheart was able to get onboard
  • In an attempt to talk to the captain without violence, Bonnie ended up in a physical struggle with him and pulled him out of the glass window of the captains quarters and into the sea below
  • Varkin Soulbender, who is always down for murder and can transform into a fish-person, lept into the water to help Bonnie drown the man, while Bonnie simultaneously tried to save the captain from drowning
  • Being a much better swimmer, Varkin was able to drag the captain away from Bonnie and the shore and drown him
  • Rewards Granted

  • Small amounts of gold from the fight with the barbarians
  • Campaign
    Out of Space - A Forgotten Realms Story Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign
    Tiwuthi Ithera
    Lawful Neutral Half-Elf ()
    Warlock 5
    0 / 0 HP
    Trikini Bilic
    Droughtbreaker Quansu-Minmalaya
    Varkin Soulbender
    Report Date
    04 Feb 2022
    Related Characters