The influence of the sea, water and depths on common language Language in Ouresboros | World Anvil

The influence of the sea, water and depths on common language


The sea was historically seen as the realm where the souls of the deceased returned too. It was also a common motive among the Classical Religions that were practised throughout the Imelian continent. Even with the rise of the so called Rational Religions (ex: Corhainism ) motives of sinking, setting or going down are used to describe the end of life, losing thing or giving up on certain principles. Even as scientific knowledge expanded concepts such as the "sub-" or "deep conscious" rose as an aspect, to describe the unknowable but true motivations of an individual.   On a folkloric level, water and the deep is also frequently associated with loss and mystery. Hence it comes to little surprise that across the Imelian languages idioms or saying referring to the sea or depths keep returning.   Below you will find a list with the most common ones and their meaning.  

Idoms & sayings referring to 'diving', 'drowing' or 'going under'

  To dive without consulting a preacher/master:
"Building a house on his own? Does he dive without consulting a priest as well?"
Used to point out that another person has embarked or is about to embark on a foolish endeavour.

Going to the bottom:
"That party went to the bottom fast"
To describe something going wrong, failing or turning bad.

Sinking ashore:
"My team played miserably, but eventually they sank ashore"
To succeed quite unexpectedly or undeservedly


Idoms & sayings referring to 'depth', 'bottom' or 'under water'

  The blackest depth/ deep:
"Jon has gone to the blackest deep. He had been ill for some time."
Euphemism used to describe someone dying.

Go to depth:
Why don't you go to depth and leave me alone.
Wanting someone to leave or disappear. Originally meant to wish someone dead.


Idoms & sayings referring to 'shore', 'washing ashore' or 'no long in the water'

  The sea won't keep someone:
"She doesn't care about any one, I'm not sure if the sea would keep her"
Used to describe an individual that is found to be very unpleasant, untrustworthy, evil or meanspirited.

The sea can't keep someone:
"He noticed immediately that something was missing, not even the sea can keep that guy"
Used to describe someone who is very clever or stubborn. In some regions used interchangeably with ' won't keep ', especially in regions where being stubborn is seen as something that isn't appreciated.

To wash up:
"Remember my cat that went missing? It washed up. The fur was a mess."
Something or someone that disappeared and return in a broken, messy or decrepit state.

Cover image: by Diliff


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