Nasty Dor Myth in Ouresboros | World Anvil

Nasty Dor

Children's rhyme of unknown origin.
Nasty Dor waits and see.
Nasty Dor watches you and me
If he sees you hurting me
Nasty Dor will hang you in a tree
    Nasty Dor is a character said to be often invoked by parents with multiple children under their care. Various tales and stories exist, but the gist is always that Nasty Dor punishes an unruly or mean spirited sibling. The peculiarity of this character is, that most rhymes, tales and stories, often end with a violent form of punishment. Especially when compared to the rather vague or innocuous acts commited by the literary sibling towards another.  
Petri's & Prati's last supper.
Petri and Prati lived in a little shack on the banks of the Erbemus. For ages they had not seen their parents. The two children had to rely on each other to have food and safety.

  Every morning, they had to go out and find their own food and hope it was something worthwhile to cook or at least safe to even eat. One day, Petri nor Prati had found anyhing, not even a moldy beet. Both arrived home with sunken spirits and a gnawing hunger. There was not a carrot left to be shred or squashed tomato to be used as a spread.

  As Prati went through the cupboards, searching for even the last crum, two slices of bread were spotted. Checking if Petri was looking, the two pieces were pushed gently deeper into the cabinet. "Oh no, nothing to eat!" exclaimed Prati in fake desperation. Petri likely hadn't even heard, instead just announcing that they might as well go to bed and sleep away their feeling of hunger.

  Later that night, Prati waited until the gentle snooring of Petri could be heard. Silently Prati sneaked out of bed, tip toeing to the cabinets. Once at the cabinet Prati looked and looked, but nowhere the slices could be found

  Suddenly, with no more sound than a sigh, two long slender hands shot out of the cabinet's shadow. Prati tried to pull away, but one hand had already grabbed an arm. Prati tried to shout for help, but one hand had already covered the mouth. With as little effort as the slender hands had burst forth, they pulled back. Dragging Prati silently and swiftly into the shadows of the cabinet.

Historical Basis

There are several hypothesis to the origin of Nasty Dor. Some think it might have been an ancient serial killer, others believe it is just an archetype symbolising horror of loosing a child However there is one, rooted in a historical context.

  It is believed that Nasty Dor refers to Doralth Ewin, an ancient king,known for having killed his own sister in battle. It is believed that in the years after king Doralth's death, the character of Nasty Dor was created to ridicule him and serve as a parable on the shame, that comes with harming your own siblings.   However, the manner in which Nasty Dor is usually portrayed, differs wildly from how Doralth Ewin is said to have looked. This discrepancy could be explained by the figure being merged with other forgotten folklore characters or details being added and subtracted as the stories got retold.


The character is mostly know in the north east of Imelia. Similar character do exist however. For example the Vandrian legend of Udorn, a mischievous sprite that takes revenge on bullies. Nasty Dor however, is considered to be far more violent than similar characters.
Often desribed as a shadowy figure, with a hunched over stature. The hands are told to be long and slender. In some instances Nasty Dor is said to have long sharp nails, some tales make claims of actual claws. Nasty Dor is rarely ever described as actually speaking, but some stories make note of him laughing. A near hysterical, chittering laughter.

Cover image: by Fluofish


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