Eliander Fireborn Character in Our First DnD World | World Anvil
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Eliander Fireborn

Captain of the Town Guard Eliander Fireborn

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Eliander suffered a tremendous injury to his leg in a battle against an owlbear and now walks upon a finely carved wooden peg.

Despite his injury and advancing age, the burly captain of the Saltmarsh town guard remains an imposing figure.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Eliander fought in the royal army of Keoland, where he earned a name driving the wild things of the Dreadwood away from the settled lands.

Personality Characteristics


Caution guides Eliander’s thoughts and his every action. He recognizes that Saltmarsh is on the verge of tremendous growth, but he sees the influence of the Sea Princes behind every stroke of misfortune.

Virtues & Personality perks

Once he gives his word, Eliander keeps it to the death. Honor is his life, and treachery earns his wrath.

Eliander is a faithful servant of the crown. The law must be obeyed, as faithful service and iron discipline are the surest ways to maintain peace and order.

Vices & Personality flaws

Eliander is stubborn to a fault. Once he sets his mind to a belief or a course of action, little can dissuade him.


Contacts & Relations

Eliander is a local celebrity thanks to his facility with languages, and he is often called upon by the town’s various organizations to assist with translations.
Current Location
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Slow and steady wins the day"
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
He is fully literate in Common, Dwarvish, Gnomish, Elvish, and Halfling; he can also speak and understand Orc and Draconic.


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