Anders Solmor Character in Our First DnD World | World Anvil
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Anders Solmor

Councilor Anders Solmor

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Brash and inexperienced, Anders is a slight man with sharp features and a toothy smile.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Anders recently inherited his family’s fleet of fishing boats after the untimely death of his mother, Petra.


He’s the youngest person ever to be elected to the council.

Personality Characteristics


Anders is sunny and optimistic. He sees the potential for profit and opportunity in every challenge. Unfortunately, he is too young to temper his views with a realistic assessment of the risks.

Virtues & Personality perks

Anders believes that freedom is the root of happiness. He pays his employees well and wants to help Saltmarsh grow into a prosperous town. Above all else, he hates the Sea Princes and wants to see their realm and its slave trade scoured from the earth.

Vices & Personality flaws

Due to a combination of his youth and his somewhat sheltered upbringing, Anders is naïve. He relied on his mother’s expertise in most matters.


Contacts & Relations

Everyone involved in the town’s fishing industry supports Anders, and his energy and ambition have made him something of a folk hero on the docks. On the other hand, his open opposition to smuggling and his hatred of the Sea Princes’ practice of slavery makes him a thorn in the smugglers’ side.

Family Ties

Anders’s mother Petra was the center of his life, and his sense of responsibility stems from her example. Every important decision he makes is guided by his desire to live up to her standards.

Wealth & Financial state

His recent forays into trade have made him a local celebrity. Since Anders owns both a fishing fleet and several trading vessels, he can sell his catch at a highly competitive price. And he can offer better prices for the other fishers in town to sell to him, since his catch brings in so much more profit.
Current Location
Current Residence
Aligned Organization


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