Changing Spell in Otherreal | World Anvil


Changing is a catch all term for the exchanging of a human for something or someone else by a fae. This may be for malice (in which case the human is exchanged for an inert object), for mischief (in which case it is usually replaced by the fae responsible or for other purposes. Of those, the most common is for either the protection or education of a fae. In all cases the substitute takes on the appearance and behaviours of the original, at least in the eyes of the target’s nearest and dearest.

Side/Secondary Effects

Children changed for purposes of malice are normally never seen again; tales of their ill treatment are many but little of the truth is widely known. Exchange for mischief is more readily reversible but generally requires the deception to be discovered and called out before seven years have elapsed - in this instance, depending on the details of the exchange, the child may return unarmed from its departure or having grown. Most exchanges for other reasons result in the eventual reversal of the changing, with the changed person returned in good physical condition but often lacking the knowledge, language or social skills to get on in their world.


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