Zedruu The Great Hearted Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Zedruu The Great Hearted

Once known as the prodigal child of the Erlundi people, Zedruu is now best known for serving as their wisest leader, a voice of reason in a people still growing used to a life filled with passions beyond war.   Sacrifice to Sickness When Zedruu was much younger, she served her clan as a lithe and dangerous warrior, a worthy successor to her father's legacy. But after a raid on a nearby group of nomads, the Erlundi clan slowly began to weaken as a plague spread among their ranks. Though their healers struggled against it, no cure for the plague could be found, and after consulting their icons the Erlundi shamans found the plague to be a result of a curse by the last remaining member of the nomads. Though she too had fallen sick, Zedruu left her people to seek the nomad, and upon finding him, offered her life in exchange for the safety of her people. When the nomad refused, Zedruu begged them each day of the month, growing sicker as she did, until at last the nomad relented, lifting the curse.   Growth to Fulfillment Moved by Zedruu's dedication, the nomad offered to teach Zedruu if she would renounce the ways of war. Zedruu, realizing not all strength could come from the blade, accepted the nomad's offer. Passing these teachings to her people, Zedruu was able to transform the culture of the Erlundi minotaurs into one of peace and contemplation, turning their strength from the ways of conquest to the defense of others.  

Zedruu The Great Hearted

Once known as the prodigal child of the Erlundi people, Zedruu is now best known for serving as their wisest leader, a voice of reason in a people still growing used to a life filled with passions beyond war.

Armor Class18
Hit Points 16d8+32
Speed30 ft.
Strength13 (+1)
Dexterity17 (+3)
Constitution15 (+2)
Intelligence17 (+3)
Wisdom20 (+5)
Charisma19 (+4)
Saving ThrowsDexterity d20+8 Wisdom d20+10 Charisma d20+9
SkillsAcrobatics d20+8 Arcana d20+8 Athletics d20+6
Insight d20+10 Perception d20+10
SensesDarkvision 60 ft.Passive Perception 20
Challenge14 (11500 XP)
Special 1Gifts GivenAt the start of each of her turns,Zedruu regains 1d8 hit points for each spell
she cast that is currently affecting a creature other than herself.In addition, at the start of each of her turns,Zedruu regains an expended spell slot of a level equal to the same number
Special 2SpellcastingZedruu is a 10-level spellcaster.Her spellcasting ability is Wisdom
(spell save DC 18, d20+10 to hit with spell attacks).She has the following Cleric spells prepared:
Spells 1Cantrips (at will)GuidanceResistance
Spare the dyingThaumaturgy
Spells 21st level (4 slots)BlessCure wounds
Detect poison and diseaseShield the faith
Spells 32nd level (3 slots)Enhance abilityHold person
Spells 43rd level 3 (slots)Beacon of hopeProtection from energy
Spirit guardians
Spells 54th level (3 slots)BanishmentControl water
Death ward
Spells 65th level (2 slots)DawnHoly weapon
Special 3Unbending FocusZedruu does not need to maintain focus on spellswhich normally require concentration.
Whenever Zedruu casts a spell that would require concentration,the spell instead lasts 1 minuteregardless of the normal duration
Action 1MutiattackZedruu makes four attacks in any combinationwith her quarterstaff and unarmed strike
Action 2QuarterstaffMelee Weapon Attack d20+8 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one targetHit 1d10+3 bludgeoning damage
Action 3Unarmed StrikeMelee Weapon Attack d20+8 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one targetHit 1d8+3 bludgeoning damage,and the target has a disadvantage onthe next attack they make against Zedruu
ReactionDeflect MissilesZedruu can use her reaction to deflect or catch the missile whenshe is hit by a ranged weapon attack,
reducing the damage by 1d10+10 .If the damage is reduced to 0 in this way Zedruu can catch the missileif it is small enough to hold in one handand she has one hand free.
Then, as part of the same reaction,Zedruu can make a ranged attack with the ammunition she just caught.The thrown missile has a d20+8 bonus to hit,a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet,
and deals 1d8+3 damage on a hit
Legendary ActionsZedruu the Great Hearted can take 3 legendary actions,choosing from the options below.Only one legendary action option can be used at a time
and only at the end of another creature's turn.Zedruu regains spent legendaryactions at the start of her turn
Legendary Action 1QuarterstaffZedruu makes an attack with her quarterstaff
Legendary Action 2Bestow Gift (Costs 2 Actions)Zedruu transfers the effect of one spell she cast thatis currently affecting only her,
causing it to instead affect one creature she is aware of within 60 feet.The transferred spell lasts for the same duration it would have otherwise,and all effects are transferred to the new creature
Legendary Action 3Cast a Spell (Costs 3 Actions)Zedruu casts a spell from the listof spells she has prepared


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