Wanderlust Spell in Other Realms | World Anvil
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When you cast this spell, target creature within range must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, for the duration of the spell, the creature takes 6d4 psychic damage at the end of each of its turns unless it moves an amount equal to at least half of its movement speed during its turn. Creatures without a movement speed automatically succeed on this saving throw.  
3rd Level Enchantment
Casting Time 1 Action
Range 30 feet
Components Vocal
Duration 1 min.
Classes Bard Druid Sorcerer Wizard


On a failed save, for the duration of the spell, the creature takes 6d4 psychic damage at the end of each of its turns unless it moves an amount equal to at least half of its movement speed during its turn.

Side/Secondary Effects

Creatures without a movement speed automatically succeed on this saving throw.


Class Source
Bard Learned 
Druid Learned
Sorcerer Innate/Bloodline
Wizard  Added to spell repertoire each morning
Related School
Effect Duration
1 min.
Effect Casting Time
1 Action
30 feet


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