Tuvasa the Sunlit Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Tuvasa the Sunlit

In the deep jungles of Ixalan live the River Heralds, a nation of merfolk split into dozens of fragmentary clans called bands. Each band is led by a Shaper, a merfolk shaman well-versed in the language of the rainforest. Tuvasa, known as the Sunlit, stands out among the Shapes both for he expertise in nature magic and her unusual views on the relation of the sun and the watering home of the River Heralds.   Uniting the World Tradition teaches the Sharpers that the wind, water, and jungle of Ixalan are three parts of a greater whole. Each is equally necessary, and in the absence of one the other two would collapse. Despite what some would say, Tuvasa does not rebuke this idea, only seeks to more fully understand and improve upon it.   For Tuvasa, the sunlight which falls upon Ixalan's jungles and rivers is another element in this grand whole, a powerful force that allows the unification of the other three. For Tuvasa, the sun is not a single part in the cycle, but a constant presence throughout it, and for the River Heralds to not take into account its presence is to miss a key element of the way the world works.   Unpopular Opinion Tuvasa's fascination with the sun has slowly won over more and more Shapers, but those who side with her remain in the minority. While most other Shapers are content to remain neutral to the idea, seeing no harm in Tuvasa's personal beliefs, others do not take the message peacefully.   Some shapers see Tuvasa's obsession with the sun as one more influence of the Sun Empire, the human civilization which has all but driven them from their ancestral homes. Some of these antagonistic Shapers believe Tuvasa has willingly sided with the Sun Empire, though others see her ideas as a premonition of future dangers and Tuvasa as an unknowing mouthpiece. For her part, Tuvasa sees these Shapers as too narrow-minded, but knows the value of tradition, and thinks they are only misguided in their anger against her.    

Tuvasa the Sunlit

In the deep jungles of Ixalan live the River Heralds, a nation of merfolk split into dozens of fragmentary clans called bands. Each band is led by a Shaper, a merfolk shaman well-versed in the language of the rainforest. Tuvasa, known as the Sunlit, stands out among the Shapes both for he expertise in nature magic and her unusual views on the relation of the sun and the watering home of the River Heralds.

Armor Class14 (leather armor)
Hit Points 1d4+5
Speed30 ftSwim 30 ft.
Strength13 (+1)
Dexterity16 (+3)
Constitution14 (+2)
Intelligence15 (+2)
Wisdom19 (+4)
Charisma18 (+4)
Saving ThrowsDexterity d20+7 Wisdom d20+8 Charisma d20+8
SkillsNature d20+10 Perception d20+8
SensesPassive Perception 18
Challenge11 (7200 XP)
Special 1AmphibiousTuvasa can breathe both air and water
Special 2Fluid ConcentrationTuvasa can maintain concentration on up to three spells at a time.For each spell she is currently maintaining concentration on,
Tuvasa gains a +1 bonus to all saving throws
Special 3SpellcastingTuvasa is a 14th-level spellcaster.Her spellcasting ability is Wisdom
(spell save DC 16, d20+8 to hit with spell attacks.)She has the following druid spells prepared
Spells 1Cantrips (At will)DruidcraftMold earth
Shape waterThorn whip
Spells 21st level (4 slots)Absob elementsEarth tremor
EntangleIce knife
Spells 32nd level (3 slots)MoonbeamPass without trace
Spike growth
Spells 43rd level (3 slots)DaylightTidal wave
Wall of water
Spells 54th level (3 slots)Conjure minor elementalsControl water
Grasping vine
Spells 65th level (2 slots)Conjure elementalMaelstorm
Mass cure wounds
Spells 76th level (1 slot)HealSunbeam
Wall of thorns
ActionDaggerMelee Weapon Attack d20+7 to hit
Reach 5 ft.,one targetHit 1d4+3 piercing damage
Legendary ActionsTuvasa the Sunlit can take 3 legendary actions,choosing from the options below.Only one legendary action option can be used at a time
and only at the end of another creature's turn.Tuvasa regains spent legendaryactions at the start of her turn
Legendary Action 1CantripTuvasa casts a cantrip from the list of those she knows
Legendary Action 2Cast a Spell (Costs 3 Actions)Tuvasa casts a spell from the list of spells she currently has prepared,expending a spell slot as normal.
If the spell requires concentration,it is automatically treated as if Tuvasa had castit using a 6th-level spell slot


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