Tajic, Legion’s Edge Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Tajic, Legion’s Edge

As the highest-ranking guildmage of the Baron Legion, Tajic holds the titles of Commander and First Guildmage, as well as an incredible amount of respect among both mortal soldiers and the angelic leaders of the Boros guild. Time and again, Tajic has proven his dedication to the Boros cause.   Runner of the Maze As one of the Boros' best soldiers, Tajic was chosen as their champion and representative for the running of the Implicit Maze, a series of riddles and challenges left behind by parun of the Azorius guild. Though at first Tajic fought against the champions of the other guilds, working to ensure the Boros gained full control of Ravnica, he eventually chose to cooperate with other champions at the behest of the psychic mage Jace Beleren.   Overtaking the Obzedat The resulting experience forged new bonds between Tajic and several of the other champions, including Teysa Karlov, a high-ranking member of the Orzhov guild. Together, Tajic and Teysa hatched a plot to overthrow the Obzedat, the ancient leaders of the Orzhov, and install Teysa in their place, cementing a new alliance between the Orzhov and the Boros.   Tajic and Teysa's plans were uncovered by the Obzedat, and both were imprisoned by the Orzhov. After only a few months, Tajic was released with the help of his guildmaster, Aurelia. However, his time in the prison and the failure of the coup pushed Tajic back into his old mindset, leading him to believe that the Boros Legion could rely only on itself in times of trouble.   Against the Invasion When Ravinca came under attack by the undead forces of the ancient elder dragon Nicol Bolas, Aurelia made plans to align the forces of the Boros with those of the other guilds, to make a final stand against the dragon. Tajic, still believing the other guilds were not worthy of the Boros' aid, argued against the plan. Tajic instead wanted the Boros to withdraw their forces from the territories of the other guilds, evacuate the guileless to the Boros fortress of Sunhome, and concentrate their defenses on its walls to ensure the Eternal army could not breach its exterior.   In the end, the help of the Boros was instrumental in repelling the invasion and retaking Ravnica, and Aurelia worries that Tajic's negative view of cooperation with the other guilds could have risked the very death of the Legion.  

Tajic, Legion’s Edge

As the highest-ranking guildmage of the Baron Legion, Tajic holds the titles of Commander and First Guildmage, as well as an incredible amount of respect among both mortal soldiers and the angelic leaders of the Boros guild. Time and again, Tajic has proven his dedication to the Boros cause.

Armor Class18 (plate armor)
Hit Points 23d8+92
Speed30 ft.
Strength20 (+5)
Dexterity14 (+2)
Constitution19 (+4)
Intelligence13 (+1)
Wisdom15 (+2)
Charisma17 (+3)
Saving ThrowsStrength d20+10 Dexterity d20+7 Constitution d20+9
Wisdom d20+7
SkillsInvestigation d20+7 Perception d20+7 Persuasion d20+8
SensesPassive Perception 17
Challenge13 (10,000 XP)
Special 1Aura of ProtectionTajic and each ally within 30 feet of himare immune to damage caused
by spells or other magical abilities
Special 2HasteTajic has an advantage on initiative rollsand doesn't provoke an opportunity
attack when he leaves an enemy's reach
Special 3MentorWhenever Taji hits a hostile creature with an attack,one ally of his choice within 60 feet that can see and her
Tajic and hasn't taken an action this round gains a +1 bonusto attack and damage rolls until thestart of Tajic's next turn
Special 4SpellcastingTajic is an 8th-level spellcaster.His spellcasting ability is Charisma
(spell save DC 16).He has the following Bard spells prepared:
Spells 1Cantrips (at will)Blade wardMessage
True strike
Spells 21st level (4 slots)BaneHealing word
Spells 32nd level (3 slots)Enhance abilityHold person
Spells 43rd level (3 slotsDispel magicStinking cloud
Spells 54th level (2 slots)CumpusionLocate creature
Action 1MultiattackTajic makes two weapon attacks
Action 2Legion GreatswordMelee Weapon Attack d20+10 to hit
Reach 5ft., one targetHit 2d6+5 slashing damageplus 2d10 radiant damage
Action 3Hand CrossbowMelee Weapon Attack d20+7 to hit
Range 30/120 ft., one targetHit 1d6+2 piercing damage
Legendary ActionsTajic, Legions Edge can take 3 legendary actions,choosing from the options below.Only one legendary action option can be used at a time
and only at the end of another creature's turn.Tajic regains spent legendaryactions at the start of his turn
Legendary Action 1GreatswordTajuc makes an attack with his legion
Legendary Action 2First Strike (Costs 2 Actions)Tajic activates the jets on the side of his greatsword,giving him an advantage on the first attack roll he makes
each turn with his legion greatsword until the end of his next turn.Tajic then makes one attack with his legion greatsword
Legendary Action 3Legion's Protection (Costs 3 Actions)Until the start of Tajic's next turn,one creature of his choice other than himself that he
can see within 60 feet becomes immune to all damageand has an advantage on saving throwsagainst spells and other magical effects


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