Taiga Geographic Location in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Within the Taiga lies a vast and untamed wilderness, filled with secrets overgrown by the relentless march of nature. Sharply rising mountains dot the landscape, ending in sheer cliffs which overlook deep valleys of verdant green. In this land of pure nature, a place of chaos and untamed growth, many have tried to carve a place for their ambitions. Their results lie buried beneath the undergrowth, in lost caves and secret ruins stalked only by the animals of nature, and the things the previous residents left behind.   No matter how far one goes in any direction on the Taiga, its edges are limitless, just like the wild possibilities of the land itself. In the forests and mountains of the Taiga, life grows abundant, millions of creature living within an infinite scenery, their lives all hanging on the razor edge of nature’s unfathomable plan. In the Taiga, the elements run wild, even in the magic of the most practiced and stable of casters, to say the least of those whose magic often loves to play unpredictable tricks. Manipulating the elements is never a sure plan, even for those prepared for its unbridled chaos, and elementals of all types find themselves readily drawn here by an inexplicable desire. Within the Taiga, the elements are wild beasts, ready to serve a master in one moment, and leap upon their throat the next.   Perhaps it is this unpredictability of the Taiga, filled with rampant lightning storms and sudden freezing hurricanes, that pushes away those who try to settle it. Even the most hardy are eventually consumed by the Taiga, and those seeking solace and solitude in nature never remain in the Taiga for long, realizing that there is no peace to be found anywhere in its untouched depths. Those with fewer concerns about such things, and perhaps less wisdom in such matters, make frequent attempts to harness the Taiga for themselves, viewing its abundant natural resources and remote location as the perfect fit for their own desires, a place where they can express and imprint their presence on the land. Few who try to do so ever return to their previous homes alive, and those who do are never known to make return trips to the Taiga, never believing they need only be better prepared. By the end, they learn the lesson that in the Taiga, none can ever be fully prepared for what they might find.


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