Szadek, Lord of Secrets Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Szadek, Lord of Secrets

Best known now as the parun of the Dimir guild, Szadek once was known not at all, his very existence a secret from everyone except the few remaining paruns of Ravnica's other guilds. Szadek led House Dimir in this way for ten thousand years, working at all times in the shadows, the very existence of his guild a secret kept safe by the magical power of the Guildpact. Though he worked with the other paruns to sign it, Szadek always had intentions of some day undermining the Guildpact. The vampire lord hoped to end the magic of the contract at a time when it would be most convenient for him and his kin, and as inconvenient as possible for all the other guilds.   Mystery Eternal Even with the existence of himself and his guild exposed to the rest of the plane, Szadek remains Ravincas greatest enigma. Though the powerful magic of the Guildpact no longer disguises the references to the Dimir scattered throughout the other guilds' records, information on Szadek is almost nonexistent. Scholars and Dimir underlings who have attempted to learn what they can about the vampire lord generally agree that throughout the past ten millennia, Szadek has methodically been erasing all information about himself from any records he could find. This mission was likely aided by earlier members of House Dimir, who were likely aided by earlier members of House Dimir, who were likely killed or had their memories removed by Szadek afterwards. Of the few facts anyone seems to know about Szadek, that of his age is the most well-known, as being the parun of a guild marks Szadek as at least 10,000 years old, if not far older.   Enigma of the Mind While Szadek holds many mysteries for those hoping to learn more about him, a few scraps have been assembled in the short time since his existence was first acknowledged. Of the highest intrigue is Szadek's position as what appears to be the only remaining member of an ancient race of vampires. While the Moroii are vampires in a sense, Szadek appears to be a type of vampire previously believed to have only be a fable, one which avoids the sunlight and feeds on the memories and thoughts of people, rather than their life-force like the Moroii do. Since this revelation, some have even speculated the Moroii are actually something known as "Vampire spawn," creatures created when the victim of a vampire is killed during feeding. If true, this would makr the Moroii, believed for centuries to be an independent force, as having been agents of the Dimir the entire time.   The Truth Unveiled The existence of Szadek as parun of the Dimir, and the presence of House Dimir itself, would still be Ravinca's most well kept secret if i were not for the efforts of Arugs Kos and Teysa Orzhov. A Wojek officer and Orzhov advokis respectively, both were instrumental in the arrest of Szadek during his schemes to disrupt the Guildpact, finishing thousands of years of scheming meant to award Szadek with control over the whole of Ravinca, both city and world. Following his arrest, Szadek was transferred to the prisons of the Azorius to await trail for his crimes and his role in the destruction of the magical contract which bound the Guilds to peace and cooperation.  

Szadek, Lord of Secrets

Best known now as the parun of the Dimir guild, Szadek once was known not at all, his very existence a secret from everyone except the few remaining paruns of Ravnica's other guilds. Szadek led House Dimir in this way for ten thousand years, working at all times in the shadows, the very existence of his guild a secret kept safe by the magical power of the Guildpact. Though he worked with the other paruns to sign it, Szadek always had intentions of some day undermining the Guildpact. The vampire lord hoped to end the magic of the contract at a time when it would be most convenient for him and his kin, and as inconvenient as possible for all the other guilds.

Armor Class17 (natural armor)
Hit Points 22d8+110
Speed30 ft.
Strength14 (+2)
Dexterity21 (+5)
Constitution20 (+5)
Intelligence19 (+4)
Wisdom18 (+4)
Charisma18 (+4)
Saving ThrowsDexterity d20+11 Intelligence d20+10 Wisdom d20+10
Charisma d20+10
SkillsDeception d20+10 Perception d20+10 Stealth d20+13
Damage ResistancesNecroticBludgeoningPiercing
Slashing from nonmagical attacks
SensesDarkvision 120 ft.Passive Perception 20
Challenge18 (20000 XP)
Special 1Legendary Resistance (3/day)If Szadek fails a saving throw,he can choose to succeed instead
Special 2Psychic FeedingWhile Szadek successfully hits a creature of Intelligence 8 or higherwith his Psychic Strike or Psychic Drain,
he learns every language the target knows,he can read the target's thoughtsas if he had just cast detect thoughts
Special 3RegenerationSzadek regains 25 hit points at the start of his turnif he has at least 1 hit point and isn't in sunlight.
If Szadek takes psychic damage,this trait doesn't function at the start of Szadek's next turn
Special 4Sneak AttackOnce per turn, Szadek can deal an extra 3d6 damageto one creature he hits with an attack if he has an advantage on the attack roll.
Szadek doesn't need advantage on the attack rollif another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it,that enemy isn't incapacitated,and Szadek don't have a disadvantage on the attack roll
Special 5Spider ClimbSzadek can climb difficult surfaces,including upside down on ceilings,
without needing to make an ability check
Special 6Vampire WeaknessesSzadek has the following flaws:
WeaknessSunlight HypersensitivitySzadek takes 20 radiant damage when he starts his turn in sunlight.While in sunlight, he has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks
Action 1MultiattackSzadek makes three attacks,only one of which can be a psychic strike
Action 2Unarmed StrikeMelee Weapon Attack d20+13 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one target,Hit 2d8+5 bludgeoning damage.Instead of dealing damage Szadek can grapple the target (escape DC 19)
Action 3Psychic StrikeMelee Spell Attack d20+13 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one target, or one willing creature,or a creature that is grappled by Szadek,incapacitated or restrainedHit 6d6+4 psychic damage,
the target's intelligence is reduced by 1d4 ,and Szadek gains a number of temporaryhit points equal to that amount.A humanoid is slain in this way rises the following night
as a moroii spawn under Szadek's control
ReactionWatery EscapeOnce per day if an attack would reduce Szadek to 0 hit points,he can use his reaction to transform into a puddle of water
instead of falling unconscious, provided that he isn't in sunlight.If he can't transform, he is destroyed.While in mist form, Szadek can't speak or manipulate objects,and the only action he can take is to make a psychic strike once per turn.
He is weightless, has a speed of 20 feet,and can enter a hostile creature's space and stop there.In addition, if water can pass through a space,the puddle can do so without squeezing.
He has an advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws,and he is immune to all nonmagical damage,except the damage he takes from sunlight.While he has 0 hit points in puddle form,
he can't revert to his vampire form.If Szadek gains temporary hit points from his psychic strike attack,he automatically reverts to his vampire form
Legendary ActionsSzadek, Lord of Secrets can take 3 legendary actions,choosing from the options below.Only one legendary action option can be used at a time
and only at the end of another creature's turn.Szadek regains spent legendaryactions at the start of his turn
Legendary Action 1MoveSzadek moves up to his speed without provoking opportunity attacks
Legendary Actions 2Unarmed StrikeSzadek makes one unarmed strike
Legendary Actions 3Psychic Drain (Costs 2 Actions)Szadek makes one psychic strike against a creature.If the attack hits, it deals no damage,
and the target's Intelligence is instead reduced by 1d6 .Szadek can then increase one ability score of his choice by the same amount.This increase lasts until the end of Szadek's next long rest


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