Savannah Geographic Location in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Stretching endlessly in each direction, the Savannah is only a small fraction of the plane known as Arborea. Filled with an abundance of plants and animals, the flow of life in Arborea is incredibly strong, and leads to a beautiful and rich ecology found nowhere else on the planes.   The Savannah is the section of Arborea which lies closest to the Positive Energy Plane, and its presence fills the Savannah with incredible vibrancy which radiates from every living thing found here. Flowers burst with color as trees bear enough fruit to weigh down their boughs, while the largest of trees grow to towering heights, with trunks as wide around as houses. The long grass which coats the fields of the Savannah grows to reach the waists of most humanoids, and can sometimes loom above the shoulders of the shortest. Each creature that lives on the plane is filled with boundless energy, giving birth at twice the normal rate, leading to wandering herds of herbivores that stretch for miles, and groups of dozens of carnivores that stalk the grasslands waiting for their meal. Some creatures wander the Savannah for decades or even centuries, growing to enormous proportions because of the flow of positive energy into their bodies, become massive specimens of great power, revered as demigods by the intelligent creatures that live within the Savannah.   These groups of intelligent creatures often gather in villages built around the boughs of the largest trees in the Savannah, filling the branches with platforms and buildings reminiscent of small cities. These large tribes practice a form of natural magic meant for altering and shifting the world around them, using it to move the landscape to their advantage. Each village is often headed by a group of leaders known as Summoners, whose own nature magic is more directed toward bringing forth the spirits of nature to aid in the defense and construction of the treetop village. Not all of the humanoids in the Savannah live in these villages however, and many more choose instead to live a life isolated from others, preferring to make contact with society only when necessary. These people have many reasons for their lifestyle, ranging from a desire to connect deeply with nature, to penance for long-past sins, or even as a lifestyle where they intend to track and hunt the largest of creatures for sport. Each village treats these and other outsiders with different degrees of care or suspicion, and those unfamiliar with the inhabitants of a village should be careful until they know exactly the sort of greeting they’ll receive when approaching.


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