Samite Healer Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Samite Healer

The Samite healers are dedicated masters of the art of healing magic. Sworn to never injure another creature, Samite healers never lift a hand during a battle except in the service of healing others. The dedication a Samite healer shows to this vow of pacifism is often a source of envy for other sects of monks and healers the world over.   Pious Origins The group takes their name from a great healer who lived in ancient times by the name of Samite. Capable of curing any disease and healing any wound with only a single touch, Samite swept through a world that ran red with blood, borne on a tide of peace. Samite believed that they could end the bloodshed by treating both sides with compassion, and a world exhausted from battle took up their cause, following Samite and learning from them how to perform Samite’s miracles. In the end, Samite’s way was proven right, and the wars ended. Samite grew old and continued teaching, spreading their message of peace to every corner of the world.   Unwavering Neutrality Even in the most prolonged of wars, the Samite healers may be relied upon to never take sides, no matter the events which occur in front of them. If a Samite healer by chance winds up on a battlefield, they forego any prior alliances in favor or attempting to prevent the injury of others as much as possible, even going so far as to sacrifice themselves when necessary. This protection even extends to those who would do the Samite healers themselves harm- though a Samite healer is just as capable of magically defending and healing themselves as they are others.   Steadfast Conviction Many view the pacifism of the Samite healers as a sign of weakness, or treat the healers themselves with disgust. If any Samite healers are to be found on one side of a conflict, it can be guaranteed that an equal number are aiding the wounded on the other side. Because of this unwillingness to take sides, those fighting often find the Samite healers to be as much an enemy as the ones they fight against. The detractors of the Samite faith believe that when the Samite healers spend time curing the wounds of both sides, they prolong the conflict, and allow soldiers to survive that might later kill others who would not have otherwise died. The Samite healers refute these claims, stating their belief that each life is as precious as the next, and that by their healing they can slowly pacify the bloodshed created even by the most aggressive of soldiers. The Samite healers hope to reach out to others through their healing in order to change their hearts, and push them away from the path of violence, and on to one of peace.  

Samite Healer

The Samite healers are dedicated masters of the art of healing magic. Sworn to never injure another creature, Samite healers never lift a hand during a battle except in the service of healing others. The dedication a Samite healer shows to this vow of pacifism is often a source of envy for other sects of monks and healers the world over.

Armor Class10
Hit Points 6d8+6
Speed30 ft.
Strength10 (+0)
Dexterity10 (+0)
Constitution12 (+1)
Intelligence10 (+0)
Wisdom19 (+4)
Charisma12 (+1)
Saving ThrowsWisdom d20+6
SkillsMedicine d20+4
SensesPassive Perception 14
Challenge2 (450 XP)
Action 1Cure WoundsThe samite healer touches a creature,causing them to regain 1d8+4 hit points.
The touched creature has disadvantage on the next attack rollthey make before the end of their next turn
Action 2Pacify (Recharge 5-6)The samite healer touches a creature,causing them to regain 1d8+4 hit points.
The touched creature has disadvantage on the next attack rollthey make before the end of their next turn
ReactionPrevent WoundsWhenever a creature within 60 feet of the samite healerthat they can see takes damage,
the samite healer can use their reactionto prevent half of the damage dealt, rounded down


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